Rangareddy Telangana Application for Transposition of Entry in Electoral Roll - Summary
The Indian Election Commission is a permanent constitutional body. On January 25, 1950, the Election Commission was constituted in conformity with the Constitution.
The Election Commission of India is responsible for overseeing, directing, and controlling the entire process of conducting elections to the Parliament and Legislature of each State, as well as the positions of President and Vice-President of India, as set out in the Indian Constitution.
Every citizen who is 18 years old on the qualifying date is eligible to participate.
Enrollment is only available at a regular dwelling.
There is only one place where you can enroll.
Overseas Indians are presumed to live at the address listed in their passport.
Voters who are considered to be ordinarily resident at their home address.
Electoral Rolls
The registering authority enters the names of eligible electors typically resident in an assembly constituency in the voter’s list; these lists are referred to as the Electoral Roll of that constituency.
To know more about Transposition of Entry in Electoral Roll, download Rangareddy Telangana Application in PDF format following the link given below.