NDA Rejected List 2020 - Summary
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the list of candidates whose NDA (2) application form 2020 is rejected due to non-payment of examination fee. Candidates make an appeal against the rejection of their application form along with the documentary proof within 10 days by speed post or by hand to UPSC. The appeal will be received by the examination authority till July 22. The application form will be revived only on the genuine receipt of documentary proof and fee payment.
The facility to withdraw NDA application form 2020 has been available from today (July 13). Candidates can withdraw their application form till July 19. NDA is the national-level defence entrance exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for admission to Army, Navy and Air Force wings of NDA and Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC).
Download the NDA Rejected List 2020 in PDF format online from the link given below or alternative link.