Linux Basic Interview Questions And Answers PDF

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Linux Basic Interview Questions And Answers - Summary

Linux is a powerful open-source operating system that is freely available for anyone to use and share. Built around the Linux kernel, it can be installed on a wide range of devices including mobiles, computers, laptops, and video game consoles. To succeed in a Linux-related job, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of UNIX, SQL, Networking, Linux distributions, and the Linux kernel itself.

If you want to learn Linux basic commands, you can click on the link given below:

Linux Tutorial for Beginners

Essential Linux Basic Interview Questions and Answers

Here are some commonly asked Linux basic interview questions and their corresponding answers:

What is Linux?

Answer: Linux is an open-source operating system derived from Unix. It offers a stable and secure environment for running a variety of applications and services.

What are the main components of the Linux operating system?

Answer: The main components of Linux include the kernel, shell, and file system. The kernel serves as the heart of the operating system, managing hardware resources. The shell is the command-line interface where users can issue commands, and the file system is responsible for data organization and storage on various devices.

How do you change permissions on a file in Linux?

Answer: To change file permissions in Linux, you use the “chmod” command. For instance, to allow the owner of the file to read, write, and execute, the command would be: “chmod u+rwx filename”.

What is the difference between “rm” and “rmdir” commands?

Answer: The “rm” command can remove both files and directories, even if they contain data, while the “rmdir” command is specifically for deleting only empty directories.

How do you check the disk usage in Linux?

Answer: To check disk usage in Linux, you can use the “df” command. By running “df -h”, you will see a summary of disk space usage across all mounted file systems in a human-readable format.

What is a symbolic link in Linux?

Answer: A symbolic link, or soft link, is a type of file that points to another file or directory. This feature allows the creation of shortcuts or references to files located in different areas of your file system.

How do you find files in Linux?

Answer: To search for files in Linux, you use the “find” command. You can specify search criteria such as the file name, size, or last modified date to help locate your desired files.

How do you archive and compress files in Linux?

Answer: In Linux, the “tar” command is used to archive files, while “gzip” or “bzip2” can compress the resulting archive. To create a compressed tar file, for example, you could use: “tar -czvf archive.tar.gz files”.

These are just a few basic Linux interview questions and answers. Remember to practice and explore more to deepen your understanding of the Linux operating system. You can download the PDF below.

In this PDF, we are providing you with 150+ Linux Basic Interview Questions and Answers that can help you secure a job. Download the Linux Basic Interview Questions and Answers in PDF format using the link provided below.


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