Guidelines for Cyclone Amphan Claims PDF

Guidelines for Cyclone Amphan Claims in PDF download free from the direct link below.

Guidelines for Cyclone Amphan Claims - Summary

In light of the devastating effects of Cyclone Amphan, there have been numerous reports highlighting loss of human lives and damage to property in the affected districts, especially in West Bengal and Odisha. To ensure quick and timely settlement of life insurance claims, it is crucial to follow these guidelines for Cyclone Amphan claims.

Essential Guidelines for Cyclone Amphan Claims

Download Guidelines for Cyclone Amphan Claims

  1. Nominate a senior officer to act as a nodal officer in the state. This person will communicate with state administration to help identify policyholders among the deceased due to Cyclone Amphan.
  2. Take immediate action to ensure all reported claims are registered, and settle eligible claims as quickly as possible.
  3. For claims involving loss of life where obtaining a death certificate is challenging, like in the case of missing bodies, consider using the process from the Chennai floods of 2015.
  4. A simplified process and relaxed requirements may be introduced to speed up the claims settlement.
  5. Publicize the details of offices or special camps set up for filing claims through newspapers and electronic media so that affected individuals can file claims immediately. Send details of these publicity activities to the Authority promptly.
  6. To curb the spread of the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) and reduce social contact, life insurers should encourage policyholders and claimants to use electronic methods for communication when filing claims and submitting documents.
  7. If policyholders and claimants visit offices, insurers must follow government guidelines for maintaining social distancing and ensure proper sanitization. Staff should be trained to handle claims with empathy and understanding.
  8. Submit a state-wise progress report on settled claims to and every Monday by 12.00 PM (starting from 1st June 2020), including data from the last working day of the previous week. PMJJBY claims data should be submitted separately but included in the total claims.

You can download the Guidelines for Cyclone Amphan Claims in PDF format using the link provided below or an alternative link.


Guidelines for Cyclone Amphan Claims PDF Download