Form 8 Voter ID - Summary
Form 8 Voter ID PDF is an important application form for shifting your residence, correcting entries in the existing electoral roll, replacing your EPIC, or marking as a Person with Disabilities (PwD). This application can be filled out by registered or enrolled voters when they need to change their address or make corrections to their voter information.
Understanding Form 8 Voter ID
If your application is approved by the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) for any of these processes, you will receive a new replacement EPIC. Don’t forget that you’ll need to return your old EPIC to the ERO immediately after this!
Form 8 Voter ID – How to Fill
- The applicant must provide their name, EPIC number, Aadhaar number, mobile number, and email ID (either theirs or a relative’s). An Aadhaar number is necessary for verifying the details. If you don’t have an Aadhaar number, you can mention this in box item I (b).
- The applicant needs to select one option for their application type and fill in the corresponding details in the application. Make sure to cross out any sections that do not apply.
- Submit the application to the Electoral Registration Officer for the constituency where your new address is located.
- Indicate your new address where you are currently staying and attach a self-attested copy of one of the accepted documents as proof of address in your name or in the name of your parents/spouse.
- If you want to correct any existing entry in the electoral roll, tick the appropriate box and attach the supporting document.
- Finally, if you request a replacement EPIC, tick the correct box. You will need to return your old or damaged EPIC, or submit a copy of the FIR or police report if it is lost.
You can easily download the Form 8 Voter ID PDF using the link given below.