Form 16A/16E-Tutorial Download Procedure - Summary
Form 16 A downloaded from TRACES is considered as valid TDS certificates, as per CBDT circular 04/2013 dated 17th April 2013.
Form 16 A is generated only for valid PAN. In case of invalid PAN or if the PAN is not reported in the TDS statement, Form 16 A will not be generated.
TDS certificates downloaded from TRACES are non-editable.
The password to open Form 16 A is a TAN number in Capital letters i.e. ABCD12345E.
Download request for Form 16A for a particular FY and Quarter can be submitted only after Form 26Q or 27Q statement for selected FY and Quarter is filed by the deductor and processed by TDS CPC. The statement filed should not have been canceled or NIL Statement.
Form 16A can be downloaded from FY 2007-08 onwards
Data in Form 16A will be as per the latest statement processed (Form 26Q and 27Q) for selected FY & Quarter
For a given FY, Quarter, TAN and PAN, there will be only one Form 16A for all Form Types and Section Codes