Environmental Studies MCQ - Summary
Environmental study is a vital field that focuses on understanding human interaction with the environment. This subject connects different areas, including physical sciences, economics, humanities, and social sciences, to tackle complex environmental issues that we face today.
Environmental education plays a key role as it helps students learn how their choices and actions impact the world around them. By building necessary knowledge and skills, it empowers individuals to address environmental challenges effectively and encourages them to understand the consequences of over-exploitation of resources.
Most stable ecosystem is
(a) Forest
(b) Desert
(c) Ocean
(d) Mountain
Which of the following statements about the forest is not correct?
(a) Forest reduces soil erosion
(b) Provides recreational opportunities
(c) Provides economic development
(d) None of the above
Lignite, bituminous, and anthracite are different types of
(a) Nuclear fuel
(b) Coal
(c) Natural gas
(d) Biogas
Which of the following is an example of the impact of development activities on the hydrosphere?
(a) Air pollution
(b) Soil pollution
(c) Noise pollution
(d) Water pollution
Study of trends in human population growth and prediction of future growth is called
(a) Demography
(b) Biography
(c) Paleography
(d) Psychology
Which of the following is not a method of water conservation?
(a) Rainwater harvesting
(b) Groundwater extraction
(c) Improving irrigation efficiency
(d) Avoiding water wastage
Formation of ozone is
(a) Oxidation reaction
(b) Reduction reaction
(c) Photochemical reaction
(d) None of these
The drop in air temperature at a rate of 6.5°C per 1000 m increase in altitude of troposphere is known as
(a) Environmental lapse rate
(b) Environmental degradation
(c) Greenhouse effect
(d) Global warming
Zone consisting of air, water, and soil is known as
(a) Hydrosphere
(b) Atmosphere
(c) Lithosphere
(d) Biosphere
Word oikos means __________ and logos means _______
(a) Houses and study of
(b) Study and houses
(c) Only houses
(d) Study of people
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