Earned Leave Form PDF

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Earned Leave Form - Summary

This is an Application Form for Earned Leave Form PDF  (El Form PDF) which can be downloaded from the link given at the bottom of this page. This can be used by any government employee who wants to take leave from their office for some personal reason.

The number of leaves entitlement in a company depends upon the state you are in. Every state has different leave entitlement and leaves policies which should be seen before one defines the leave policy of your company. The leave policy of a company cannot be less than that mentioned by the State’s shop and establishment act.

Leave in Establishments Covered under the Factories Act

Leaves as per Factories Act apply to all Management Staff, Executives, Supervisors, workers and contract workers as all of them fall under the definition of ‘worker’ under the Factories Act.

Type of Leave Privileged / Earned Casual Sick Maternity
Quantum per year 1 day leave for every 20 days worked in the previous year (Eg. 300 days worked = 15 days leave) Nil Nil As per ESI Act OR Maternity Benefits Act
Entitlement On working 240 days in the first previous year NA NA NA
Utilization To apply for leave 15 days prior. Leave not to be availed more than 3 times a year NA NA NA
Carry Forward Not more than 30 days NA NA NA

Earned Leaves Form – Types

  1. Earned Leave (Privilege leaves) are the leaves that are earned in the previous year and enjoyed in the preceding years. These are also known as privilege leave this can be carried forward for the quantum up to the total of three years and vary from state to state as per the shop & establishment act. These are encashable on basic salary to the employee. the condition for taking these leaves usually differ from company to company but normally in advance at least 15 days.
  2. Casual Leave: These leave are granted for the certain unforeseen situations or were you are require to go for one or two days leaves. In case of casual leave normally the company’s strict maximum to 3 days in a month.
  3. Leave without pay: If a person do have any leave to his balance and the situation warrants him to take the leave, the leave is granted by the Company as a loss of pay or which may be adjusted against the future leave or as a special case the special paid leave based on the person contributes to the Company at management discretion.
  4. Compensatory off These leave are granted if the person come on work during the holidays, normally compensated as leave to be taken or as an encashable option.

Earned Leave Form

You can download the Earned Leave Form PDF using the link given below.


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