Creating an Inclusive School Book PDF

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Creating an Inclusive School Book - Summary

In creating an inclusive school, teachers need to understand the diverse needs of all learners. Block 1 of the course deals with understanding diversity and inclusion. This block focuses on understanding diversity and inclusion in education. An inclusive school seeks to address the learning needs of all with specific focus on those who are vulnerable to marginalization and exclusion. This becomes even more significant in the light of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016. The learners with special needs form one of the largest groups and since the socio-cultural, linguistic and other marginalized groups and their needs have been discussed in other courses of the programme, the thrust of this course is on children with special needs.

This book promote inclusion is increasingly being felt all over the world to include children with special needs, at all levels of education as equal partners, to prepare them for normal development, and to enable them to face life with courage and confidence. Teachers need to be sensitized to bring and include all students in the classroom transaction. It is necessary that teachers who teach and manage the classroom are made aware of the philosophy of inclusion and oriented to various kinds of adjustments that schools should make in terms of infrastructure, curriculum, teaching methods and other school practices to relate teaching to the needs of diverse learners

Creating an Inclusive School Book – Overview

Title Creating An Inclusive School
Authors Mangal, S. K., Mangal, Shubhra
Publisher PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2019
ISBN 9388028171, 9789388028172
Length 336 pages
Creating an Inclusive School Book PDF Download PDF
Education, Inclusive Education


Creating an Inclusive School Book PDF Download