BPSC Exam Calendar 2020-21 - Summary
The BPSC Calendar contains details of the upcoming recruitment exams in the Bihar such as 64th/65th/66th Bihar Civil Services; Bihar Judicial Services, Assistant Engineer recruitment, Bihar Police Services, Forest Guard Officer, and others. Aspirants who look forward to fetching Bihar Government jobs should go through the exam dates provided below in the form of an exam calendar.
The BPSC calendar contains the exam dates, date of notification, result dates, and other important dates. The Bihar PSC had declared the exam dates and schedule of the upcoming exams in the month of February 2020. As per the calendar, the BPSC 64th Combined Competitive Exam (CCE) Mains, 65th CCE Prelims & Mains, and 66th CCE Prelims & Mains will be held this year. Apart from this, other Bihar recruitment exams which will be held this year include 31st Bihar Judicial Services; Assistant Public Prosecution Officer; Assistant Forest Guard Officer, and Assistant Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical).
Download the BPSC Exam Calendar 2020-21 in PDF format using the link given below.