Assam Ration Card C Form - Summary
Ration cards are important documents issued by the Government of India that help people get benefits under the Public Distribution System (PDS). In Assam, before the introduction of the NFSA 2013, there were three types of ration cards, known as Family Identity Cards (FIC). These were designed for:
I) APL (Above Poverty Line)
II) BPL (Below Poverty Line)
III) AAY (Antodaya Anna Yojana) beneficiaries under PDS/TPDS.
Additionally, there was another type called the MMASY (Mukhya Mantrir Anna Suraksha Yojana) Card issued by the State Government.
Eligibility Criteria for Ration Card in Assam
- The head woman of the family, who is a legal citizen of India and has a yearly family income of less than Rs.1,00,000 (One lakh) can apply for a new Ration Card under NFSA 2013.
- Individuals without a ration card are eligible to apply.
- Women within the family can also apply for the ration card.
- The applicant must be a resident of Assam.
Documents Required for Ration Card C Form
- Detailed information about family members.
- Copies of birth certificates for children below 10 years.
- A certified copy of the relevant page from the Voter List.
- A copy of the Tax Payment or Land Revenue Payment receipt.
- A Surrender Certificate from any previous Ration Card/Family Identity, or a non-availability certificate from the FCS & CA authority.
- Proof of address (attested copies of Pan Card, Driving License, Bank Passbook, Post Office Passbook, Municipal Holding receipt, Electricity Bill, or Telephone Bill).
Required Documents for Duplicate Ration Card
- Self-Declaration.
- Police report.
Required Documents for Separate Ration Card
- Original Surrender Certificate(s).
- Original Parental Ration Cards.
- Self-Declaration.
- A certificate from the Village Head, Gaon Panchayat president, or Ward Commissioner.
- No Objection Certificate from the Head of Family of the parental ration card for adding any new members (with attested copies).
- Proof of Date of Birth (such as Birth Certificate, X Pass Certificate, other declared documents).
- Photo Identity Proof (Election ID, PAN, Driving License, or Passport).
Required Documents for Inclusion / Deletion / Surrender
- Original Ration Card.
- Local Certificate, Election Card, PAN, Driving License, or Passport.
- Proof of Date of Birth (Birth Certificate, X Pass Certificate, other declared documents).
- Original Surrender Certificate (for inclusion, if applicable).
- Death Certificate in case of loss of a family member.
Required Documents for Change of Head of Family
- Original Ration Card.
- Death Certificate if the Head of Family has passed away.
- No Objection Certificate.
Required Documents for Child to Adult Conversion
- Original Ration Card.
- Proof of Date of Birth (Birth Certificate, X Pass Certificate, other declared documents).
Required Documents for Change of FPS and/or Residential Address
- Original Ration Card.
- Photo Identity Proof (Election ID, PAN, Driving License, or Passport).
Where to Apply?
The application for obtaining a ration card must be submitted to the FCS & CA authority of the District or Sub-Division (C).
For more details, you can download the PDF with all the necessary information regarding Assam Ration Card C Form, and don’t forget to download our informative resources to help you further!