Kishore Loan Application Form - Summary
CHECKLIST: (The checklist for the Kishore Loan Application Form is a helpful guide. Depending on your area, you may need to add more documents as required.)
- Proof of Identity: Self-certified copies of your Voter ID, Driving License, PAN Card, Aadhar Card, or Passport.
- Proof of Residence: Recent telephone bill, electricity bill, or property tax receipt (not older than 2 months), along with Voter ID card, Aadhar Card, and Passport of Proprietor/Partners/Directors.
- Proof of SC/ST/OBC/Minority: Relevant certificates if applicable.
- Proof of Identity/Address of the Business: Copies of licenses, registration certificates, or documents that show your business’s ownership, identity, and address.
- Ensure that the applicants are not defaulters with any Bank or Financial Institution.
- Statement of Accounts: Provide bank statements from the last six months if you have an existing banker.
- Last Two Years Balance Sheets: Include balance sheets along with income tax/sales tax returns (required for amounts of Rs. 2 Lacs and above).
- Projected Balance Sheets: Needed for one year for working capital limits and for the loan term for term loans (applicable for amounts from Rs. 2 Lacs and above).
- Sales Achieved: Report your sales figures during the current financial year up to the date of application.
- Project Report: Provide a detailed project report for the proposed project, focusing on its technical and economic viability.
- Memorandum and Articles of Association: Include these documents for your company, or the Partnership Deed for Partners.
- In the absence of a third-party guarantee, an Asset & Liability statement from the borrower, showing the net worth of Directors & Partners, may be required.
- Photos: Submit two copies of photos of the Proprietor/Partners/Directors.
How to Obtain the Kishore Loan Application Form
You can easily download the Kishore Loan Application Form in PDF format online from the link provided below. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to secure your loan! 📄
Useful Tips for a Successful Application
It’s always good to double-check that you have all the necessary documents ready. This will help your application go smoothly and quickly.