Telanagana Rythu Bandhu/Bima Claim Form for Life Insurance Scheme - Summary
The Telanagana Rythu Bandhu/Bima Claim Form for Life Insurance Scheme is essential for providing financial support and security to the families of farmers in India. This scheme, also known as Rythu Bima, aims to relieve the financial burden that families face following the loss of a farmer’s life due to any cause. Without this support, families often struggle to meet even their daily needs. The Farmers Group Life Insurance Scheme ensures that the loved ones of the deceased receive the necessary financial assistance and social equity. It’s important to note that farmers aged between 18 to 59 years can apply for this beneficial scheme.
How to Fill the Telanagana Rythu Bandhu/Bima Claim Form
Required Details for Telanagana Rythu Bandhu/Bima Claim Form for Life Insurance
- Name of the Master Policy Holder
- Details of the deceased insured member (Name, Address, Date of death, Aadhar no)
- Name of Nominee
- Relationship of the Nominee with the Insured
- Aadhar Number of Nominee/Appointee
- Address of the Nominee/Appointee
- Bank account details of the Nominee/Appointee
- Signature of Nominee/Appointee
When filling in this claim form, it is crucial to accurately provide the deceased insured member’s details, including their Name, Address, Date of Birth, Aadhar Number, and any other required information. Additionally, please ensure that you include the personal details of the Nominee, along with the nominee’s bank account information.
For a convenient and easy process, you can download the PDF of the Telanagana Rythu Bandhu/Bima Claim Form and fill it out carefully. Don’t forget to download the PDF for your reference and assistance while submitting your claim.