Bhavishya Malika PDF

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Bhavishya Malika - Summary

Bhavisya Mâlika PDF” is an ancient series of texts that contains information about the actions of the Supreme Lord, Maha-Vishnu, especially at the end of Kali Yuga when He descends on Earth for the upliftment and re-establishment of Dharma. Heralding His descent, the text offers insight into details such as His birth, the divine actions that He will perform, His meetings with His devotees, the condition of the world at the time of his arrival, and once He incarnates how He will perform the act of re-establishment of Dharma in the world and guide the world from one Yuga (era) to another.

All these details were written as per the Lord’s directions. This is so that mankind can follow this sacred canon of scriptures and adopt a path of righteousness, as prescribed in the Vedas, which will enable them to obtain God’s grace and protection. Therefore, the Bhavisya Mälikä exhorts people to embark on the path of Dharma and guides how to live a righteous life, providing insight into the divine plan for the universe. In the Treta Yuga, Lord Brahma instructed sage Narada to extol the virtues of Lord Rama and herald His arrival on Earth. Sage Narada then recited the glories of Lord Rama, which Maharishi Valmiki compiled into the epic scripture known as the Shreemad Ramayana.

Bhavishya Malika Puran – Content

Chapter Title Page Number
From the Author’s Desk 7
Introduction 9
Preface 13
Chapter 1 Why is Bhavisya Malika Indispensable as the End of Kali Yuga? 17
Chapter 2 Who Are the Authors of the Sacred Scripture Bhanivys Malika? 21
Chapter 3 Demystifying the Age of the Four Yugs 26
Chapter 4 What Are the Sins That Will Lead to the Downfall of Kali Yuga? 31
Chapter 5 The Dashavatar: Lord Maha-Vishnu’s Ten Divine Incarnations for Resorting Dharma 40
– The Master Avatar (The Fish Incarnation of Lord Maha-Vishnu) 47
– Kacchapa/Kurma Avatar (The Tortoise Incarnation of Lord Maha-Vishu) 49
– Varaha Avatar (The Boar Incarnation of Lord Maha-Vishu) 51
– Narashima Avatar (The Half Lion and Half Man Incarnation of Lord Maha-Vishnu) 52
– Vamana Avatar (The Dwarf Incarnation of Lord Maha-Vishu) 54

Bhavishya Malika Puran Prediction for 2024

As per Bhavishya Mallika, by the year 2030, all major and minor religions, beliefs, and practices will assimilate into Satya Sanatan dharma and lead mankind to a brighter future. This book must be considered as the sole warning and sole salvation for mankind before the impending doom.

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