KVS Lottery Result 2023-24 - Summary
Kendriya Vidhyalaya Sangathan (KVS) released the KVS Lottery Result 2023-24 from the official website @www.education.gov.in on 20th April 2023 or it can be directly downloaded from the link given at the bottom of this page. Parents and guardians can now check the admission list on the official website at kvsangathan.nic.in.
As the Lottery Result 2023-24 is announced by the KVS Sangathan, the admission process will start on 21st April 2023. Parents also note that the KVS Round 2 admission list will be released on the official website on the basis of the availability of seats. As per the schedule, The 2nd Admission list will be released on 28 April and the third may be out on 3rd May 2023.
How to Check KVS Lottery Result 2023-24?
Step 1:- Visit Visit the official website of KVS at kvsangathan.nic.in
Step 2:- On the Home page of the website you will see the at top og the website”Click here Lottery Result on 20th April 2023″ as the is image is shown below

Step 3:- After clicking on that a new window is open in which you have to select the “State” and “Kendriya Vidyalaya” then click on search button as the image is shown below.
Step 4:- After that, you will the KVS Admission list category wise and you click on that link and you can check the name in this list.