Cosmetic Science Book - Summary
The Cosmetic Science Book is a treasure trove of knowledge, bringing together information from trustworthy and highly esteemed sources. All reprinted material is quoted with permission, and the references are carefully noted. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the data and information published, the author and publisher do not take responsibility for the validity of every material or the results of their usage. You can download the PDF of the Cosmetic Science Book in high quality and printable format for free.
Understanding Cosmetic Science
Cosmetic science is a quickly changing field. With rapid and widespread updates in the global regulations surrounding cosmetics, increased restrictions on the selection of ingredients, and constant media scrutiny, cosmetic formulators must think creatively about their products.
Content of Cosmetic Science Book
1. Introduction -1
Marc Paye, André O. Barel, and Howard I. Maibach
2. Biophysical Characteristics of the Skin in Relation to Race, Sex, Age, and Site -5
Virginie Couturaud
3. Functional Map and Age-Related Differences in the Human Face: Nonimmunologic Contact Urticaria Induced by Hexyl Nicotinate -25
Slaheddine Marrakchi and Howard I. Maibach
4. The Baumann Skin-Type Indicator: A Novel Approach to Understanding Skin Type -29
Leslie Baumann
5. Ethnic Differences in Skin Properties: The Objective Data -41
Sarika Saggar, Naissan O. Wesley, Natalie M. Moulton-Levy, and Howard I. Maibach
6. Sensitive Skin: Sensory, Clinical, and Physiological Factors -59
Miranda A. Farage, Alexandra Katsarou, and Howard I. Maibach
7. Neurophysiology of Self-Perceived Sensitive-Skin Subjects by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging -75
Bernard Querleux and Olivier de Lacharriè€re
8. Tests for Sensitive Skin -83
Alessandra Pelosi and Enzo Berardesca
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