Prachesta Scheme Application Form West Bengal - Summary
The Chief Minister of West Bengal state that is Mamata Banerjee has announced a new scheme that will benefit all of the residents of the Bengal state mainly the daily wage workers who are not able to earn their livelihood because of the lockdown for the betterment of the country.
The main objective of this scheme is to provide daily wages to all of the daily wage workers who are not able to gain their wages because of the lockdown in the country that was announced yesterday by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Through the implementation of the scheme, many benefits will be provided for the workers of the West Bengal State. Mainly, the availability of financial assistance.
WB Prochesta Prokolpo application form Download
The workers had to live their life without any work because everything is a lockdown in the coronavirus. The chief minister of West Bengal that is Mamta Banerjee has come out with this scheme to help all of those people who are in need.
Name of scheme | Prachesta Scheme |
Launched in | West Bengal |
Launched by | Chief Minister Mamta Banergy |
Nodal Department name | Labour Department, Govt. of West Bengal |
Beneficiaries | Daily wage workers |
Benefits | 1000 rupees incentive |
Objective | To help during COVID-19 crises |
Application mode | Offline |
Official website | |
Eligibility for WB Prochesta Prokolpo form
Any labourer/daily wage earner/worker who is a permanent resident of West Bengal, who is in extreme distress due to loss of employment/livelihood opportunities due to outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19) and does not have any alternative sustainable source of income, will be eligible for the assistance on fulfilment of following conditions :
- The labourer/daily wage earner/worker is a sole bread-winner of the family.
- The labourer/daily wage carner/worker should not be a beneficiary of any social scheme of the State, like social pension scheme (Old age, Widow and Disability pension), Samajik Suraksha Yojana (SSY) etc.
- Only one person from a family will be eligible. Family for the purpose of the scheme, shall include husband, wife and unmarried children.
- District Magistrate/Commissioner, KMC is satisfied that the applicant has actually lost employment/livelihood opportunity due to outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID 19) and does not have any alternative sustainable source of income.
- District Magistrate/Commissioner has reason to believe that the labourer/daily wage carner/worker is passing through extreme distress.
How to Apply
Eligible candidate to submit an Application (as per enclosed Format – Annexure-A) to the District Magistrate in the districts or Commissioner, KMC for Kolkata Municipal Corporation area. The has to be submitted by the individual personally. No bulk applications will be accepted.
Processing and Approval:
(i) District Magistrate will make arrangements to invite/receive applications, enquire and process through BDO in rural areas and SDOs in urban areas. (ii) Commissioner, KMC will make arrangements to invite/receive applications, enquire and process in KMC area.
Nodal Department:
The Labour Department, Government of West Bengal will act as Nodal Department for the implementation, monitoring and supervision of the scheme.
For more details download the Prachesta Scheme Application Form West Bengal in PDF format using the link given below.