Pulse Oximeter Reading Chart PDF

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Pulse Oximeter Reading Chart - Summary

A pulse oximeter is a handy device that helps you monitor your oxygen saturation levels in the body. This small and lightweight noninvasive tool easily attaches to your fingertip, sending two different wavelengths of light through the finger to quickly measure your pulse rate and the amount of oxygen in your blood.

Understanding Oxygen Saturation with a Pulse Oximeter

A pulse oximeter is a useful medical device that uses red and infrared light to determine how much hemoglobin in your blood is carrying oxygen. This measurement is known as your oxygen saturation level and is often referred to as SpO2.

Download the Pulse Oximeter Reading Chart

You can download the Pulse Oximeter Reading Chart in PDF format using the link below. This chart will help you understand your readings better and keep track of your health.

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