NIOS Prospectus 2020-21 - Summary
The main aim of the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is to ‘reach the unreached’. The NIOS follows the principle of freedom to learn i.e., what to learn, when to learn, how to learn, and when to appear for the examination are decided by the Learner. There is no restriction of time, place, and pace of learning.
The NIOS has 100% Online admission at Secondary and the Senior Secondary levels in order to facilitate learners to register.
Under this scheme, the learner has three options:
- He/She can register online directly by visiting the website of NIOS i.e.,
- He/She may visit his/her nearest AI (Study Centre)/Facilitation Centre and take help for online registration.
- He/She may visit the concerned Regional Centre of NIOS and take help for online registration.
- He/She can use the services of the Common Services Centres of the Govt. of India for Online registration throughout the country
Download the NIOS Prospectus 2020-21 in PDF format online form the link given below.