Hyderabad University Prospectus 2020-21 PDF

Hyderabad University Prospectus 2020-21 in PDF download free from the direct link below.

Hyderabad University Prospectus 2020-21 - Summary

The University offers excellent facilities for Postgraduate, 5-Year Integrated Master’s Degree Courses, and Research Studies in several major areas in the Sciences, (including Medical Sciences, Engineering Sciences & Technology), Humanities, Social Sciences, Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Communication, and Management Studies.

Admission to the University is open to all who fulfill the prescribed qualifications without any distinction of race, creed, language or gender. The selection is on the basis of the entrance examination. The candidate should produce all original certificates at the time of admission.

Any student to be eligible for admission to the Postgraduate Degree Courses must have completed a three-year Undergraduate Degree, through an examination conducted by a University/ Autonomous College. However, as a transitory measure, a candidate who has passed a two-year degree course may also be considered for admission, provided she/he has undergone a further one-year bridge course and passed the same.

The eligibility of candidates passing their qualifying examinations from Universities following the letter grading system / CGPA will be determined based on percentage equivalent to the letter grade/CGPA obtained by the candidates according to the conversion formula adopted by the University concerned. In the absence of any such formula, the decision of the University shall be final and binding on the candidates.

Candidates who may be appearing for the qualifying degree examination and expecting their results and certificates before 31.7.2020 are welcome to apply for admission.

Candidates who have completed or will be completing all the formalities, viz., written the theory examinations, completed practical examinations, submitted Project reports, completed viva-voce exams, etc. before 31.7.2020 and are awaiting the results of the qualifying degree examination and those who are due to appear in the qualifying degree examination in the above-stated aspects and expecting their results to be declared and are getting their certificates before 31.7.2020 are allowed to appear for the entrance test.

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Hyderabad University Prospectus 2020-21 PDF Download