UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Exam Date sheet 2020 - Summary
The Union Public Service Commission will be conducting the Engineering Services (Main) Examination, 2020 and Combined GeoScientist (Main) Examination, 2020 on 18.10.2020 (Sunday) and 7.10.2020 to18.10.2020 (Saturday & Sunday) respectively, all over India as per the Revised Programme of Examinations/RTs published on the website of the Commission.
Keeping in view of the requests received from the candidates for changing their Centre, the Commission has decided to give an opportunity to them to submit their revised choice of Centre.
The window of submitting the revised choice of Centre by the candidates will be operational from 8th -13th September 2020 (06.00 PM) on the Commission’s website for aforesaid Examination. The candidates are advised to visit the website and submit their revised choices of Centre of the above Examination, where they are facing difficulty in taking the Examination from the Centre already chose, because of Covid-19
related difficulties.
Download the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Exam Date sheet 2020 in PDF format from the official website as link given below.