Surah Yaseen PDF

Surah Yaseen in PDF download free from the direct link below.

Surah Yaseen - Summary

The Surah Yaseen English version is an incredible resource in your daily life that helps you tackle challenges and find peace in your journey. Reciting this surah attracts the blessings of Allah SWT into the life of the reciter, acting as a heavenly shield against worries and fears. You can easily download a high-quality Surah Yaseen PDF for your personal use at the bottom of this page.

Benefits of Reciting Surah Yaseen

The Surah Yaseen PDF book is filled with Allah’s blessings and profound wisdom. It acts as a guide, providing simple yet effective solutions to life’s problems. Reading this powerful text regularly can be helpful in overcoming your daily challenges. Surah Yaseen is often called the heart of the Quran. As narrated by Prophet Muhammad, reciting Yaseen in the morning ensures that all your needs for the day are fulfilled.

Make Surah Yaseen a Part of Your Daily Routine

Incorporating Surah Yaseen into your daily routine can significantly change your life. Whether you’re looking to ease your fears or gain clarity in your decisions, this surah has something special for everyone. Don’t forget to download the Surah Yaseen PDF to keep it handy for your daily recitations. 🌟

Yasin Sharif (Yaseen Shareef)

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ
یٰسٓۚ(۱) وَ الْقُرْاٰنِ الْحَكِیْمِۙ(۲) اِنَّكَ لَمِنَ الْمُرْسَلِیْنَۙ(۳) عَلٰى صِرَاطٍ مُّستَقِیْمٍؕ(۴) تَنْزِیْلَ الْعَزِیْزِ الرَّحِیْمِۙ(۵) لِتُنْذِرَ قَوْمًا مَّاۤ اُنْذِرَ اٰبَآؤُهُمْ فَهُمْ غٰفِلُوْنَ(۶) لَقَدْ حَقَّ الْقَوْلُ عَلٰۤى اَكْثَرِهِمْ فَهُمْ لَا یُؤْمِنُوْنَ(۷) اِنَّا جَعَلْنَا فِیْۤ اَعْنَاقِهِمْ اَغْلٰلًا فَهِیَ اِلَى الْاَذْقَانِ فَهُمْ مُّقْمَحُوْنَ(۸) وَ جَعَلْنَا مِنْۢ بَیْنِ اَیْدِیْهِمْ سَدًّا وَّ مِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ سَدًّا فَاَغْشَیْنٰهُمْ فَهُمْ لَا یُبْصِرُوْنَ(۹) وَ سَوَآءٌ عَلَیْهِمْ ءَاَنْذَرْتَهُمْ اَمْ لَمْ تُنْذِرْهُمْ لَا یُؤْمِنُوْنَ(۱۰)

Download the Surah Yaseen in PDF format using the link given below.


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