NCERT Indian Crafts Syllabus for Classes XI and XII - Summary
The subject of Indian Crafts will consist of three components in each year (classes XI and XII):
I. Theory 40 marks
II. Field Study 30 marks
III. Applied Crafts 30 marks
The theory part of the syllabus will have Two Units Unit I will consist of a general introduction, an introduction to the craft’s traditions of India, details about the different crafts, their classifications, regional distribution, etc. Unit II of the theory will discuss all these aspects in detail. A textbook will be
required which will have the print material with maps, photographs, illustrations, anecdotes, and case studies inboxes, and the book may be supplemented with a CD having slides, video-clippings, etc. showing different crafts traditions and their processes, etc
Download NCERT Indian Crafts Syllabus for Classes XI and XII in PDF format from the official website by visiting the alternate link or can click at the direct link provided below.