NCERT Alternative Academic Calendar for Upper Primary Students - Summary
Understanding the NCERT Alternative Academic Calendar
This calendar encompasses themes and topics selected from the official syllabus, all closely linked to learning outcomes. It offers guidelines for engaging activities that parents and students can enjoy together. Recognizing that many families have access only to simple mobile phones instead of virtual classrooms, this calendar provides activities that can be easily completed at home.
Teachers can reach out to students and their families through various channels, from basic phone calls to advanced internet-based tools, ensuring everyone receives the necessary guidance to facilitate home learning.
Flexibility and Adaptability of the Calendar
The NCERT Alternative Academic Calendar is designed to be flexible and suggestive, allowing teachers to adapt it to the specific needs of their state or union territory (UT). Created by dedicated faculty members from various NCERT units such as NIE, CIET, PSSCIVE, and the five Regional Institutes of Education (RIEs), this calendar has been developed through online discussions via platforms like WhatsApp, Google Hangout, and Zoom. Their hard work and collaboration are truly commendable.
You can easily download the Alternative Academic Calendar for Upper Primary (Class 6-8) Students in PDF format from the link below, or choose to read it online. This resource is invaluable for ensuring your child’s educational progress in this difficult time.