MGNREGA Annual Master Circular 2020-21 PDF

MGNREGA Annual Master Circular 2020-21 in PDF download free from the direct link below.

MGNREGA Annual Master Circular 2020-21 - Summary

The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was notified in 2005. As per an amendment to the Act, the words ‘Mahatma Gandhi’ were prefixed to the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (hereinafter known as “Act”). The Act covers the entire country with the exception of districts that have a hundred percent urban population. Mahatma Gandhi NREGA is the largest wage employment programme in the world and has been operational for more than a decade now.

The implementation of Mahatma Gandhi NREGS involves considerable organizational responsibilities at the Gram Panchayat level. To ensure that these are effectively discharged by the Gram Panchayat, ‘Employment Guarantee Assistant’, or ‘Gram Rozgar Sahayak’ (GRS), or any equivalent designation in the local language can be deployed.

GRS should be engaged exclusively for Mahatma Gandhi NREGS and her/his functions should be distinct from that of Panchayat Secretary. The responsibilities of the GRS are as follows:

  • Creating awareness by organizing periodic Rozgar Diwas
  • Ensuring that all vulnerable households and communities are surveyed to seek their willingness to work under Mahatma Gandhi NREGS
  • Ensuring the process of registration, distribution of job cards, provision of dated receipts against job  applications, allocation of work to applicants, etc
  • Facilitating Gram Sabha meetings and social audits
  • Ensuring Integrated Natural Resource Management practice in planning and execution of works
  • Recording attendance of labour every day either himself/herself or through the mate in the prescribed Muster Rolls at the worksite
  • Timely submission of filled Muster Rolls for processing the payments
  • Ensuring that Group mark outs are given at work site for every group of labourers, so that the workers know the output required to be given to earn wage rate every day
  • Ensuring that all Mates attend worksites on time and take roll calls/attendance in prescribed muster roll at a worksite only
  • Maintaining all Mahatma Gandhi NREGS-related documents like 7 registers, Case records at the Gram Panchayat level and ensuring that these documents are conveniently available for public scrutiny.
    The worker’s Job Card should also be regularly updated

Download the MGNREGA Annual Master Circular 2020-21 in PDF format using the link given below.



MGNREGA Annual Master Circular 2020-21 PDF Download