Marine Aids to Navigation Bill 2021 - Summary
Parliament passed the Marine Aids to Navigation Bill 2021, which aims to replace over 90-year-old Lighthouse Act 1927, to incorporate the global best practices, technological developments and India’s International obligations in the field of Marine Aids to Navigation, to fulfill the vision of the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, to make the legislative framework user-friendly and to promote ease of doing business
The Bill applies to the whole of India including various maritime zones including territorial waters, continental shelf, and exclusive economic zone.
The Marine Aids to Navigation Bill 2021
The Bill defines aid to navigation as a device, system, or service, external to the vessels designed and operated to enhance the safety and efficiency of navigation of vessels and vessel traffic. A vessel includes a ship, boat, sailing vessel, fishing vessel, submersible, and mobile offshore drilling units. Vessel traffic service is defined as a service to improve the safety and efficiency of vessel traffic and protect the environment.
The Bill provides that the central government will appoint:
(i) a Director General,
(ii) Deputy Director Generals, and (
iii) Directors for districts (which the centre may demarcate).
The Director General will advise the central government on matters related to aids to navigation, among others.
The Bills provides that no person shall be allowed to operate on any aid to navigation (including any ancillary activities), or any vessel traffic service in any place unless he holds a valid training certificate. The central government will accredit training organizations for imparting training to, or conduct assessments of, persons in the operation of aids to navigation and vessel traffic services.
For more details download the Marine Aids to Navigation Bill 2021 PDF using the link given below.