List of Daily Use English Words with Hindi Meaning - Summary
Daily English words allow you to communicate effectively with people from all over the world, making traveling a lot easier and helping you to learn more about different cultures. The importance of the English language can be seen in almost every aspect of our lives.
English is the language of our international communication in all areas, such as politics, science, media, or art and it is often the language of entertainment as well as socializing. Having a good command of English helps us to have more opportunities in life, first of all, our careers.
List of Daily Use English Words with Hindi Meaning
English Words | Hindi Meaning |
Move | चाल |
Old | पुराना |
Same | वही |
Your | तुम्हारी |
About | के बारे में |
Many | अनेक |
Then | फिर |
Them | उन्हें |
Write | लिखना |
Would | चाहेंगे |
Like | पसंद |
So | इसलिए |
These | इन |
Her | उसके |
Him | उसके |
Long | लंबा |
Make | बनाना |
Thing | चीज़ |
See | देखना |
Girl | लड़की |
Their | उनके |
Lady | औरत |
Man | आदमी |
Human | मानव |
Food | खाना |
Vessels | बरतन |
Towel | तौलिया |
Clothes | कपड़े |
Dog | कुत्ता |
Cat | बिल्ली |
Birds | पंछी |
Ice | बर्फ़ |
Water | पानी/जल |
Mobile | दूरध्वनि यंत्र |
Fan | पंखा |
Key | चाबी |
Lock | ताला |
Rice | चावल |
Wheat | गेहूँ |
Fruits | फल |
Fade | To lose freshness ( धीरे-धीरे मुरझाना ) |
Fag | To work hard (कठिन परिश्रम करना ) |
Fail | Hindrance (रुकावट) |
Failure | Lack of success (असफलता) |
Faint | Lacking strength (दुर्बल) |
Fainting | Loss of consciousness (बेहोशी) |
Fair | Clear (स्पष्ट) |
Faith | Belief(विश्वास) |
Factoid | Repetition (दोहराना) |
Gain | Profit (लाभ) |
Gamble | To pay for money (जुआ खेलना) |
Game | Any sport (खेल) |
Gaming | Gambling (जुआ) |
Gap | Defect (त्रुटि) |
Garb | Clothing (कपड़े) |
Garden | A piece of land used for the cultivation of flowers (बाग-बगीचा) |
Garnish | To decorate (सजाना) |
Garment | Any article of dress (वस्त्र) |
Garish | Bright (चमकीला) |
Gate | An opening in wall closable with barrier (दरवाजा) |
Gather | To bring together ( इकट्ठा करना) |
Generally | Usually (प्रायः) |
Gem | Precious stone (मणि) |
Generate | To produce (उत्पन्न करना) |
Habit | Custom (रिवाज) |
Habitude | A habit (आदत) |
Hail | Frozen drops of rain (ओला) |
Hale | Healthy (स्वस्थ) |
Halt | To hesitate (हिचकिचाना) |
Hand | The extremity of the arm beyond the wrist (हाथ) |
Handicraft | Manual art (हस्तशिल्प) |
Handkerchief | A cloth for wiping the nose (रूमाल ) |
Handmade | Made by hand (हाथ से बनाया हुआ) |
Handsome | Good looking (सुंदर) |
Hang | To suspend (लटकाना) |
Happen | To occur ( घटित होना) |
Happy | Fortunate (नाग्यवान) |
Harass | To trouble (परेशान करना) |
Hard | Difficult to endure (कटोर) |
Hardly | Scarcely ( कठिनता से) |
Hardship | ill-luck (दुर्भाग्य) |
Hardwoking | Industrious (परिश्रमी) |
Identical | Similar (समान) |
Ideology | Ideas or beliefs (सिद्धान्त) |
Idiosyncrasy | A particular and different way of thinking or behaviour (काम करने का अपना विशेष सिद्धान्त) |
Idle | Useless (बेकार) |
Illuminate | To fill with light (प्रकाशित करना) |
Illuminating | Revealing or making something clear (स्पष्ट करने वाला) |
Imaginative | Fanciful (काल्पनिक) |
Imbibe | To adopt (knowledge quality) (ग्रहण करना) |
Immaterial | Unimportant (महत्वहीन) |
Imminent | Likely to occur very soon (जिसके तुरंत होने की सम्भावना हो) |
Immunity | Protection against disease or punishment (रोग प्रतिरोधक) |
Impact | To affect (प्रभाव) |
Impair | To damage or weaken (growth vision) (नष्ट करना) |
Impart | To provide (knowledge quality) (प्रदान करना) |
Impeach | To bring charge against someone (आरोप लगाना) |
Impeachment | Accusation of a serious crime (महाभियोग) |
Impede | To obstruct (बाधित करना) |
Impediment | Hindrance (in progress) |
Impel | To force someone do something (दबाव डालना, मजबूर करना) |
Imperative | Necessary, Urgent (आवश्यक) |
Imperative need | Urgent need (आवश्यक आवश्यकता) |
Imperishable | Lasting for a long time (टिकाऊ, लंबे समय तक) |
Impetus | Encouragement (प्रोत्साहन) |
Implacable | (enemy opponent) that is difficult to pacify or satisfy जिसे शांत करना संमय नहीं है |
Implicate | To bring charge against someone (आरोप लगाना) |
Implication | Indirect meaning or result (अप्रत्यक्ष अर्थ या आशय) |
Implicit | Indirect and not clear (अस्पष्ट) |
Implicit faith | Absolute or strong faith in something (दृढ विश्वास) |
Implore | To request earne ‘tly (अनुरोध करना) |
Imply | To suggest or mean something indirectly (किसी बात का परोक्ष रूप से संकेत करना) |
Imposing | Impressive to look at (प्रभावशाली) |
Improvise | To make changes in original to suit the condition (बदलाव करना) |
Impulse | Sudden desire (बिना आधार के अचानकउत्पन्न इच्छा) |
Jeopardy | Danger (खतरा) |
Jettison | To reject or abandon something unwanted (principle responsibility) (त्याग देना) |
Join hand with | To work together in a work (साथ देना) |
Judicious | Sensible (decision, selection) (समझदारी भरा) |
Kick | Strength and encouragement (प्रसन्नता या रोमांच) |
Kindle | To make a feeling grow in someone (कोई इच्छा या भावना उत्पन्न करना) |
Kingpin | Important (role, person) (महत्वपूर्ण) |
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