HSSC LDC Results 2021 - Summary
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) released the result of Written Examination and notice to candidates for Scrutiny of Documents for the post of Lower Divisonal Clerk of DHBVNL ,Haryana Against Advt. No. 11/2019, Cat No. 04.
On the basis of written examination (CBT) held on 25.02.2020 for the post of Lower Divisional Clerk of DHBVNL, Haryana Against Advt. No.11/2019, Cat. No. 04 the candidates bearing following Roll Nos. have been called for Scrutiny of Documents provisionally to ascertain eligible candidates and further subject to the fulfillment of their eligibility conditions as per advertisement and service rules
You can download the HSSC LDC Results 2021 in PDF format using the link given below.