Head First HTML And CSS - Summary
HTML (the Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are essential technologies for building web pages. Knowing how to create your own website with HTML and CSS allows you to shine among others with a unique, customized presentation of your business, or any other type of business. You can save money on future projects and create better websites using HTML and CSS.
Understanding HTML and CSS
HTML and CSS are two languages that function together to design everything you see on the internet. HTML serves as the foundation of a webpage, containing all the text, links, images, lists, and buttons. CSS adds style and flair to these basic elements, making them visually appealing.
Head First HTML And CSS
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) defines the content and layout of a webpage, while CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) focuses on the aesthetic aspect. Although they are different programming languages, HTML and CSS are commonly used in tandem.
Both languages are crucial for building any website. They are considered fundamental skills in web development. Employers often list HTML and CSS knowledge as required skills in job postings.
When applying for jobs, it’s very important to highlight these skills in your resume. Many companies use applicant tracking systems that search for specific keywords, so mentioning HTML and CSS can help your application stand out.
You can download the Head First HTML And CSS PDF using the link given below.