Employment Newspaper Second Week of January 2021 - Summary
Employment Newspaper is a weekly journal and is published simultaneously in Hindi, English & Urdu. Its prime objective was to provide an effective platform for job vacancies, job oriented training programmes, admission notices relating to job oriented courses, and the result of recruitment examinations. In addition to job vacancies, Rozgar Samachar, in each issue, carries an article on job opportunities in various sectors, including emerging sectors.
Employment Newspaper Second Week of (9th to 15th January 2021) PDF contains the following Departments job/vacancy information:-
- NIT Jalandhar
- Karnataka Transmission Corporation Limited
- Rashtriya Military School Dholpur (Rajasthan)
- CENDECT ICAR – Krishi Vigyan kendra
- Delhi Technological University
- Ministry of Civil Aviation Commission of Railway Safety
- Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
- National Crime Records Bureau
- CSIR- Institute of Microbial Technology
- Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd.
- Department of Automatic Energy
- ESIC- Employee State Insurance Corporation
- Animal Welfare Board of India
- TATA Institute of Fundamental Research
- Ministry of Defence HQ, Army War College
- Indian Air Force
- Indian Coast Guard
- Braithwaite & Co. Ltd.
- GOA Shipyard Ltd.
For more details download Employment Newspaper Second Week of January 2021 in PDF format using the link given below.