Black Book of English Vocabulary - Summary
Black Book of English Vocabulary is the best book for candidates who seek the English language and in this book, you check the vocabulary also in Hindi translation. This Book is very useful for various competitive and government job exams. As we know vocabulary plays an important role in the English Language and Comprehension Section of any exam.
Black Book of English Vocabulary May 2024 by Nikhil Gupta contains all the vocabulary asked in previous SSC exams and therefore, it is popular among SSC aspirants. If you go through the previous years’ papers conducted by SSC, you will notice that SSC repeats questions in their exams. Black Book Of English Vocabulary PDF is a very useful book, especially for those candidates who are going to appear in SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, MTS, Stenographer, SSC GD Constable, SSC CPO, SSC JE Exams.
Black Book of English Vocabulary 2024
Word | Meaning | Hindi |
Infallible | that never fails // always doing what it is supposed to do | अचकू |
Misogynist | a person who dislikes women | स्त्री जाती से द्वेष करनेवाला |
Philanthropist | a rich person who helps the poor and those in need, especially by giving money | जन हितैषी |
Misanthrope | a person who hates and avoids other people | मानव द्वेषी |
Bureaucracy | a system of government in which there are a large number of state officials who are not elected | नौकरशाही |
Cannibal | a person who eats human flesh | नरभक्षक |
Claustrophobia | an extreme fear of being in a small confined place | छोटे जगह में होने का अत्यधिक डर |
Egoist | a person who thinks he/she is better than other people and who thinks and talks too much about himself/herself | अहंवादी |
Elegy | a poem/song that expresses sadness, especially for somebody who has died | शोकगीत |
Epilogue | a speech at the end of a play, book, or film/movie that comments on or acts as a conclusion to what has happened | उपसंहार |
Epitaph | an inscription on a tombstone | समाधि-लेख |
Fastidious | being careful that every detail is correct // not liking things to be dirty/ untidy | दुराराध्य |
Inevitable | that you cannot avoid/prevent | अपरिहार्य |
Oligarchy | a form of government in which only a small group of people hold all the power | कुलीनतंत्र |
Optimist | a person who always expects good things to happen or things to be successful | आशावादी |
Panacea | something that will solve all the problems of a particular situation | रामबाण |
Altruist | someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human wellbeing | परोपकारी सिद्धांतों वाला |
Aristocracy | the rule by nobles/government by a person of the highest social order | श्रेष्ठजनों के द्वारा राज्य शासन |
Atheist | a person who believes that god does not exist | नास्तिक |
Calligraphy | beautiful handwriting that you do with a special pen/brush. | सुलेख |
Connoisseur | an expert on matters involving the judgmental beauty, quality or skill in art, food or music | विशेषज्ञ |
Fatalist | a person who believes that events are decided by fate and cannot be controlled. | भाग्यवादी |
Invincible | too strong to be defeated/changed | अजेय |
Mercenary | a soldier who will fight for any country/group that offers payment | किराए का टट्टू |
Ascetic | a person who lives in a simple and strict way, without physical pleasures, especially for religious reasons (monks, hermits, saints) | तपस्वी |
Carnivorous | animals that eat meat | मांसभक्षी |
Cartography | the art or process of drawing or making maps | मानचित्रकारी |
Etymology | the study of the origin and history of words and their meanings | शब्द-व्युपत्ति शास्त्र |
Homicide | the crime of killing somebody deliberately | मानव हत्या |
Iconoclast | a person who criticizes popular beliefs/ established customs and ideas | रिवाज़ तोड़ने वाला |
Illegible | difficult/ impossible to read | अस्पष्ट |
Incorrigible | having bad habits which cannot be changed or improved | असंशोधनीय |
Insomnia | the condition of being unable to sleep | अनिद्रा |
Nepotism | giving unfair advantages to your own family if you are in a position of power, especially by giving them jobs | भाई-भतीजावाद |
Obsolete | no longer used because something new has been invented | अप्रचिलत |
Patricide | the crime of killing your father | पिता का वध |
Philatelist | a person who collects or studies stamps | डाक के टिकट का संग्रहक |
Stoic | a person who is able to suffer pain/trouble without complaining/showing what they are feeling | उदासीन |
Alien | hostile, strange and frightening // different from what you are used to | विदेशी |
Amateur | a person who likes to take part in a sport/ other activity for enjoyment, not as a job | शौक़ीन व्यक्ति |
Amnesia | a medical condition in which somebody partly/ completely loses his memory | भूलने की बीमारी |
Anarchy | a situation in a country, an organization, etc. in which there is no government, order/control | अराजकता |
Anthropology | the study of the human race, especially of its origin, development, customs and beliefs | मनुष्य जाती का |
Black Book of English Vocabulary – Features
- This book contains more than 3500+ one-word substitutions which is extremely important for the SSC Exam. All previous year’s questions (One Word Substitution) are given in this book.
- You will get 1000+ Vocabulary from “The Hindu” Newspapers which are very useful to solve unseen passages.
- More than 4000+ Synonyms, Antonyms, and spelling Error questions.
- This book also contains 1000+ root words and 500 phrasal verbs.
- 2100+ special words that are asked in the SSC Exam like phobia, Latin, etc.
- The best part of this book is that it contains 50 practice sets which will help you gear up your preparation.
- Overall this book covers more than 10000+ words.
- One-Word Substitutions (OWS):
- Top 500 most repeated OWS in SSC exams
- 3000+ previous year OWS asked in SSC exams
- The Hindu Vocabulary:
- Top 1000 words from The Hindu newspapers with synonyms & Hindi meanings
- Special Word Lists:
- Phobias, Manias, and Philes
- Words for killing, Ages, Sleep, and Places
- Words related to Government, Worship, Scientific Instruments, and more
- Synonyms, Antonyms, and Spelling:
- 4000+ words to enhance your vocabulary range
- Root Words and Phrasal Verbs:
- 1000+ root words for better word understanding
- 500 phrasal verbs for effective language usage
- Practice M.C.Q. (50 Sets):
- Strengthen your learning through practice sets
You can download the Black Book of English Vocabulary PDF using the link given below.