2021 HS Exam Routine Assam - Summary
SEBA, Assam release the Assam HSLC 2021 practical and theory exam date sheet on 6th January 2021 & uploaded on the official website- sebaonline.org. students can get detailed information about the date and time of the exams of all the subjects. SEBA Assam HSLC 2021 Routine helps students to make a definite study timetable and prepare accordingly. The exams are held in two shifts, morning (9:00 am to 12:00 pm) and afternoon (1:30 pm to 4:30 pm). Students must complete the entire syllabus of the exam and revise properly to score high marks in the Assam HSLC 2021 exam.
2021 HS Exam Routine Assam
Each student will have to appear for both theory and practical exams. The duration of each exam is 3 hours (180 minutes) and the total marks for all the Assam HSLC exams are 600. In SEBA HSLC exams, 30 per cent questions are easy and 50 per cent are average whereas only 20 per cent tough questions are asked.
You can download the 2021 HS Exam Routine Assam in PDF format using the link given below or an alternative link for more details.