UPSC Geography Optional Syllabus - Summary
Download the UPSC Geography Optional Syllabus in PDF format to help you prepare effectively for the exam. Geography is a highly scoring subject in the UPSC IAS Main exam, and every year, more than 30% of candidates choose Geography as their optional subject.
For students planning to take Geography as their optional, it is essential to follow the syllabus carefully to perform well in the examination. Understanding each topic is crucial for achieving a good score.
Explore the UPSC Geography Optional Syllabus
Key Topics Covered
- Geomorphology
- Climatology
- Oceanography
- Biogeography
- Environmental Geography
- Perspectives in Human Geography
- Economic Geography
- Population and Settlement Geography
- Regional Planning
- Models, Theories and Laws in Human Geography
Be sure to download the UPSC Geography Optional Syllabus in PDF format using the link provided below. This PDF will serve as a valuable resource during your studies! 🌍