TNPSC Group 4 Exam Date 2024 Syllabus PDF

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TNPSC Group 4 Exam Date 2024 Syllabus - Summary

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has officially released the notification for Group 4 Examination.The combined Group 4 examination (Group 4) is conducted by Tamil Nadu Public Services Commission (TNPSC) every year to recruit candidates in various services of the Tamil Nadu State.

As mentioned in the TNPSC Group 4 Notification, TNPSC Group 4 Exam 2024 is to be held on 9th June 2024.

TNPSC Group 4 Exam Pattern 2024

Exam Type Subjects No. of Questions Marks Duration Minimum Qualifying Marks
Objective Type (OMR Based) Tamil Eligibility-cum-Scoring Test* (SSLC Standard) 100 150 3 Hours 90 (For all communities)
General Studies (SSLC Standard) 75 150
Aptitude & Mental Ability Test (SSLC Standard) 25
Total 200 300

TNPSC Group 4 Syllabus 2024 for General Studies

  1. History
  2. Current Events
  3. Indian Polity
  4. Geography
  5. Economics
  6. Indian National Movement
  7. Development Administration in Tamil Nadu
  8. History, Culture, Heritage, and Socio-Political Movements of TN

TNPSC Group 4 Syllabus for General Science

Sections Topics
General Science
  1. Nature of  Universe
  2. Measurement of Physical Quantities
  3. General Scientific Laws in Motion
  4. Force, Pressure and Energy
  5. Everyday application of the basic principles of Mechanics
  6. Electricity, Magnetism, Light, Sound, Heat and Nuclear Physics in our daily life
  7. Elements and Compounds
  8. Acids, Bases, Salts
  9. Petroleum Products
  10. Fertilizers
  11. Pesticides
  12. Metallurgy
  13. Food Adulterants
  14. Main concepts of Life Science
  15. Classification of living organisms
  16. Evolution
  17. Genetics
  18. Physiology
  19. Nutrition
  20. Health and Hygiene
  21. Human diseases.
  22. Environmental Science

TNPSC Group 4 Syllabus for Current Affairs and General Awareness

Sections Topics
  1. Indus Valley Civilization
  2. Guptas, Delhi Sultans, Mughals and Marathas
  3. South Indian History
  4. Characteristics of Indian Culture
  5. Unity in Diversity – Race, Colour, Language, Custom
  6. India as Secular State
Current Events
  1. Latest diary of events
  2. National symbols
  3. Profile of states
  4. Eminent personalities and places in the news
  5. Sports
  6. Books and Authors
  7. Welfare Scheme of Government
  8. Political parties and Political system in Tamil Nadu and India.
  9. Latest inventions in Science and Technology
  10. Geographical Land Marks
  11. Current Socio-Economic issues
Indian Polity
  1. Constitution of India: Preamble to the Constitution
  2. Salient Features of Constitution: Union, State and Territory
  3. Citizenship: Rights Amend Duties
  4. Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties
  5. Directive Principles of State Policy
  6. Union Executive, Union Legislature
  7. State Executive, State Legislature
  8. Local Governments
  9. Panchayat Raj
  10. Spirit of Federalism
  11. Centre-State Relationships
  12. Election – Judiciary in India – Rule of Law
  13. Corruption in public life
  14. Anti-Corruption measures
  15. Lokpal and Lokayukta
  16. Right to Information
  17. Empowerment of Women
  18. Consumer Protection Forums
  19. Human Rights Charter
  1. Earth Location
  2. Physical Features- Monsoon, rainfall, weather and climate
  3. Water resources – Rivers
  4. Soil, Minerals and Natural resources
  5. Forest and Wildlife
  6. Agriculture pattern
  7. Transport
  8. Communication.
  9. Population density and distribution in Tamil Nadu and India.
  10. Calamities
  11. Disaster Management
  12. Environment
  13. Climate change
  1. Nature of Indian economy
  2. Five-year plan models – an assessment
  3. Planning Commission
  4. Niti Ayog
  5. Sources of revenue – Reserve Bank of India
  6. Finance Commission
  7. Resource sharing between Union and State Governments
  8. Goods and Services Tax
  9. Economic Trends – Employment Generation, Land Reforms and Agriculture
  10. Application of Science and Technology in Agriculture
  11. Industrial growth
  12. Rural Welfare oriented programmes
  13. Social Problems
  14. Population, Education, Health, Employment, Poverty
Indian National Movement
  1. National Renaissance
  2. Early uprising against British Rule
  3. Indian National Congress
  4. Emergence of Leaders – B.R.Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh, Bharathiar, V.O.Chidambaranar, Thanthai Periyar, Jawaharlal Nehru,
    Rabindranath Tagore, Kamarajar, Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Rajaji, Subhash Chandra Bose, Muthulaksmi Ammaiyar,
    Muvalur Ramamirtham and other National Leaders.
  5. Different modes of Agitation of Tamil Nadu and movements.
Development Administration in Tamil Nadu
  1. Social Justice and Social Harmony as the Cornerstones of Socio-Economic Development
  2. Education and Health systems in Tamil Nadu.
  3. Geography of Tamil Nadu and its impact on Economic growth.
History, Culture, Heritage, and Socio-Political Movements of TN
  1. History of Tamil Society, related Archaeological Discoveries, Tamil Literature from Sangam age till contemporary times.
  2. Thirukkural- Significance as a Secular Literature, Relevance to Everyday Life, Impact of Thirukkural on Humanity, Thirukkural and Universal Values – Equality, Humanism etc, Relevance to Socio – Politico-Economic affairs, Philosophical content in Thirukkural
  3. Role of Tamil Nadu in the freedom struggle
  4. Early agitations against British Rule
  5. Role of women in the freedom struggle
  6. Various Social reformers, Social reform movements and Social transformation of Tamil Nadu

TNPSC Group 4 Syllabus 2024 for Aptitude Test

Sections Topics
Aptitude & Mental Ability Test
  1. Simplification
  2. Percentage
  3. Highest Common Factor (HCF)
  4. Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)
  5. Ratio and Proportion.
  6. Simple Interest
  7. Compound Interest
  8. Area
  9. Volume
  10. Time and Work
  11. Logical Reasoning
  12. Puzzles
  13. Dice
  14. Visual Reasoning
  15. Alpha Numeric Reasoning
  16. Number Series


TNPSC Group 4 Exam Date 2024 Syllabus PDF Download