The God of Small Things - Summary
The God of Small Things is an important novel by Indian author Arundhati Roy. This captivating story explores the childhood adventures of fraternal twins whose lives are tragically affected by the “Love Laws,” which dictate “who should be loved, how, and how much.” Originally published in 1997, The God of Small Things remains a significant work in Indian literature.
Overview of The God of Small Things
The God of Small Things is set in the serene town of Ayemenem in Kerala and focuses on a Syrian Christian family’s narrative. It traces the lives of E. Jhon Ipe and Aleooty Ammachi’s descendants, including their children Bennan Ipe, better known as Pappachi, and Navomi Ipe, famously called Baby Kochamma.
Key Themes and Characters
The story revolves around Ammu and her struggles as a woman. As a daughter, she faces discrimination from her family. As a sister, she does not receive equal rights to her family’s property. And as a wife, she endures exploitation and ultimately finds herself divorced.
While Ammu’s children view Velutha as a friend, Ammu deeply loves him. Their cross-caste romance faces severe societal backlash. This forbidden love leads to tragic consequences, including the brutal end of Velutha in police custody and Ammu’s subsequent excommunication from her community, forcing her to live in poverty and sickness. Over time, the Ayemenem House falls into ruin, but eventually, Ammu’s grown-up children return to their ancestral home to unite again.
The God of Small Things is groundbreaking as it challenges long-standing cultural norms in Indian society. Through this lens, the novel can be seen as a critique of endogamy, which perpetuates social taboos and restrictions.
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