Pharmacist Exam Questions and Answers PDF

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Pharmacist Exam Questions and Answers - Summary

Pharmacy is one of the popular career options among students of science. Education in pharmacy varies from one country to another. In India, the academic courses in the field of pharmacy start from the diploma level to the doctoral level. Pharmacy can be defined as the branch of health sciences that deals with the preparation and dispensing of drugs. The aim of pharmacy practice is to ensure the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical products. Pharmacists are experts in medicine and use their knowledge for the benefit of patients.

The Computer Based Test (CBT) for the post of Pharmacist is scheduled on 26th and 27th April 2023 (Wednesday and Thursday) in batches at various examination centers in Tamil Nadu.

Pharmacist Exam Questions and Answers

Q.1. Opthalmic solutions are not evaluated for:

  1. Sterility test
  2. Active ingredient
  3. Clarity test
  4. Pyrogen test

Answer -Pyrogen test (D)
Q.2. Which among the given is not suitable for controlled release dosase form

  1. Diclofenace
  2. Nicotine
  3. Carbamazepine
  4. Fentanyl

Answer – Carbamazepine (C)
Q.3. Kries test is related to

  1. Skin sensitivity studies
  2. Identification test of resin
  3. Rancidity index
  4. Identification test of aloin

Answer -Rancidity index (C)
Q.4. Isoniazid causes hapatotoxicity due to

  1. Its metabolite acetylhydrazine
  2. Accumulation of isoniazid in hepatic cells
  3. Its metabolite acetylisoniazid
  4. Deficience of pyrifoxine caused by prolonged isoniazid theory

Answer -Its metabolite acetylhydrazine (A)
Q.5. Which one of the following drug’s tablet should be stored in the closely tight container to prevent loss of potency?

  1. Phenytoin
  2. Propranolol
  3. Nitroglycerine
  4. All of these

Answer -Nitroglycerine (C)
Q.6. Metabolite of chlordiazepoxide is

  1. Nordiazepam
  2. Oxazepam
  3. Demoxipam
  4. All of these

Answer -Demoxipam (C)
Q.7. Azaspirodecandione agents are primarily used in the treatment of

  1. Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  2. Schizophrenia
  3. Anxiety
  4. Mania

Answer -Anxiety (C)
Q.8. Praracetamol is a derivative of:

  1. p-amino phenol
  2. Aryl acetic acid
  3. Aryl propionic acid
  4. Anthranilic acid

Answer -p-amino phenol (A)
Q.9. Which of the following properties of a drug is affected by micronisation

  1. Flow properties
  2. Chemical stability
  3. Therapeutic effectiveness
  4. All of these

Answer -All of these (D)
Q.10. The phosphate antiviral agent is

  1. Ribavirin
  2. Didanosine
  3. Ganciclovir
  4. Foscarnet

Answer -Foscarnet (D)

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