MPSC Posts List and Salary - Summary
MPSC Posts List and Salary PDF can be download from the link given at the bottom of this page. Candidates who have prepare for the MPSC exam can check the posts name and how much salary will received. MPSC अंतर्गत कुठल्या-कुठल्या posts साठी exams होत असते? आणि MPSC अंतर्गत निवडल्या जाणाऱ्या Posts ची यादी? तर आता तुम्हाला MPSC Posts List And Salary विषयी सर्व माहिती साठी इतर कुठेही शोधा-शोध करण्याची गरज नाही.
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MPSC Posts List and Salary
Group A |
Deputy Director / Project Officer (Integrated Tribal Deelopment Project) (Class-A) / Deputy Commissioner, Class-A Deputy Director / Project Officer Salary: 67,700-2,08,700 and other allowances |
Deputy Collector (Group-A) Deputy Collector salary (Deputy Collector (Group-A) Deputy Collector salary) Salary: 56,100-1,77,500 and other allowances |
Superintendent of Police / ACP (Group-A) Salary: 56,100-1,77,500 and other allowances |
Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax (Group-A) Salary: 56,100-1,77,500 and other allowances |
Registrar, Co-op. Society (Group-A) Salary: 56,100-1,77,500 and other allowances |
Department Chief Executie Officer / Block Deelopment Officer (Group-A) Salary: 56,100-1,77,500 and other allowances |
Assistant Director, Maharashtra Finance and Accounting Serices (Group-A) Salary: 56,100-1,77,500 and other allowances |
Chief Officer, Municipal Corporation / Municipal Council (Group-A) Salary: 56,100-1,77,500 and other allowances |
SUPERINTENDENT OF STATE EXCISE, GROUP A Salary: 56,100-1,77,500 and other allowances |
Project Officer, Project Officer (Integrated Tribal Deelopment Project) (Grade 2) / Assistant Commissioner (Group-A) Salary: 56,100-1,77,500 + DA and other allowances. |
Deputy Director, Industry (Technical), (Group – A) Deputy Director, Industry (Technical), Group-A Salary: 56,100-1,77,500 + DA and other allowances. |
Tahsildar Salary in Maharashtra (Group A) Salary: 55,100-1,75,100 + DA and other allowances. |
Assistant Director, Skill Deelopment, Employment & Entrepreneurs (Group A) Salary: 55,100-1,75,100 + DA and other allowances. |
Group B |
Deputy Education Officer, Maharashtra Education Serices, (Administration Branch) (Group B) Salary: 47,600-1,51,100 + DA and other allowances. |
SECTION OFFICER (GROUP B) Salary: Ministry- 47,600-1,51,100 + DA and other allowances MPSC Office – 41,800-1,32,300 + DA and other allowances. |
Assistant Regional Transport Officer (Group B) Salary: 44,900-1,42,400 + DA and other allowances. |
Accounting Officer,of Maharashtra Finance and Account Serice, Group B. Salary: 44,900-1,42,400 + DA and other allowances. |
Assistant BDO, Group B – BDO Salary: 41,800-1,32,300 + DA and other allowances. |
Chief Officer, Corporation / Corporation, Group B. Salary: 41,800-1,32,300 + DA and other allowances. |
ASSISTANT REGISTRAR, CO-OP. SOCIETIES (GROUP B) Salary: 41,800-1,32,300 + DA and other allowances. |
Deputy Superintendent, Land Records, Group B. Salary: 41,800-1,32,300 + DA and other allowances. |
Deputy Superintendent, State Excise, Group B. Salary: 41,800-1,32,300 + DA and other allowances. |
ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER, STATE EXCISE (GROUP B) Salary: 41,800-1,32,300 + DA and other allowances. |
SKILL DEELOPMENT (Skill Deelopment) Employment and Entrepreneur Training Guidance Officer, Group B. Salary: 41,800-1,32,300 + DA and other allowances. |
INDUSTRY OFFICER, TECHNICAL, GROUP B Salary: 41,800-1,32,300 + DA and other allowances. |
Assistant Project Officer / Statistics Officer / Administratie Officer / Research Officer / Home Head / Manager, Group – B Salary: 41,800-1,32,300 + DA and other allowances. |
Deputy Tehsildar, Group B. Salary: 38,600-12,2,800 + DA and other allowances. |
ASO: Assistant Section Officer. Salary: 9,300-34,800 + Grade Pay 4300 + 4400 DA and other allowances. |
STI: Sales tax Inspector Salary: 9,300-34,800 + Grade Pay 4300 + 4400 DA and other allowances. |
PSI: Sub-Inspector of Police Salary: 9,300-34,800 + Grade Pay 4300 + 4400 DA and other allowances. |
Group C |
MPSC ESI: Excise Sub Inspector Salary: 5,200-20,200 + Grade Pay 3,500 + Importance Allowance and other allowances |
MPSC Tax Assistant Salary: 5,200-20,200 + Grade Pay 2,400 + DA and other allowances |
MPSC Clerk Typist Salary: 5,200-20,200 + Grade Pay 1,900 + DA and other allowances |
You can download the MPSC Posts List and Salary in Marathi PDF using the link given below.