MOBC Scholarship Selected List 2020-21 Manipur - Summary
This is for information of all concerned that the lists of tentative eligible OBC & EBC students for the award of OBC Pre-Matric scholarship (3496 nos. Of students), OBC Post-Matric scholarship (22580 nos. Of students) and EBC Post-Matric scholarship (288 nos. of students) for the year 2020-21 are hereby notified and the same can be seen in the Directorate’s website
Claim and objection if any may be submitted on or before 28th August 2021 after which no further complaint will be entrained.
MOBC Scholarship Result 2020-21
OBC Pre-Matric Scholarship, 2020-21 (tentative student list) PDF Download
OBC Post-Matric Scholarship, 2020-21 (tentative student list) PDF Download
EBC Post-Matric Scholarship, 2020-21 (tentative student list) PDF Download
Download the MOBC Scholarship Selected List 2020-21 Manipur PDF using the link given below.