List Any Four Debugging Tools in VB PDF

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List Any Four Debugging Tools in VB - Summary

Visual Basic Debugging Tools

You might have noticed that the debugging tools for data macros and user interface macros are limited. You can’t do much more than run user interface macros in Single Step mode to try to find the source of an error.

The debugging tools for Visual Basic are significantly more extensive. The following sections describe many of the tools available in Visual Basic. You might want to scan these sections first and then return after you have learned more about the Visual Basic language and have begun writing procedures that you need to debug.

Table 1: Tools in the Visual Basic Toolbox

Icon Tool Name What This Tool Does
Pointer Pointer Selects objects
Picture box Picture box Draws a box to display graphics
Label Label Draws a box to display text
Text box Text box Draws a box that can display text and let the user type in text
Frame Frame Groups two or more objects together
Command button Command button Draws a command button
Check box Check box Draws a check box
Option (or radio) button Option (or radio) button Draws a radio button
Combo box Combo box Draws a combo box
List box List box Draws a list box
Horizontal scroll bar Horizontal scroll bar Draws a horizontal scroll bar
Vertical scroll bar Vertical scroll bar Draws a vertical scroll bar
Timer Timer Places a timer on a form
Drive list box Drive list box Draws a drive list box that displays all the disk drives available
Directory list box Directory list box Draws a directory list box that displays a directory on a particular disk drive
File list box File list box Draws a file list box that displays files in a specific directory
Shape Shape Draws a geometric shape such as a circle or a square
Line Line Draws a line
Image box Image box Draws a box to display graphics
Data control Data control Draws a control to link a program to a database file
OLE OLE Draws a box to insert an OLE object

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