DU LLB Merit List 2020 PDF

DU LLB Merit List 2020 in PDF download free from the direct link below.

DU LLB Merit List 2020 - Summary

Delhi University has released the DU LLB admission list today for the first round. The direct link for DU LLB and DU LLM admission list is given below. Successful candidates will have to complete the DU LLB admission process and pay the course fee. The university has also released a notification regarding the selection process (All details given below). Earlier, DU had released a comprehensive result cum merit list of DU LLB 2020 at DU.ac.in. Candidates can download the rank list of DU LLB from the direct link given below. The DU LLB merit ist will inform about the rank of the candidates.

  • Faculty of Law :- Revised List of admitted candidates LC-1 :- UR, OBC, SC, ST, CW
  • Faculty of Law :- Revised List of admitted candidates LC-2:- UR, OBC, SC, ST, CW
  • Faculty of Law :- Revised List of admitted candidates CLC:- UR, OBC, SC, ST, CW
  • Faculty of Law :- Final Centre wise lists of PwD category candidates admitted in Faculty of Law on the basis of merit and Centre


DU LLB Merit List 2020 PDF Download