DU (du.ac.in) First Cut off 2021 - Summary
Delhi University (DU) release the first cut-off list for undergraduate (UG) courses on October 1. Aspirants can check the course-wise cut-offs for different colleges at du.ac.in. du.ac.in cut-off 2021 PDF can be download from the link given at the bottom of this page.
The first cut-off list will be released on October 1, candidates can begin applying for admission to colleges against this list between October 4 and October 6, and colleges have to complete approvals for these admissions before October 7 evening.
DU Cutoff List 2021
DU.ac.in cut off 2021 – Admission Schedule
Process | Date |
Declaration of 1st Cut-Off by Colleges | 1st October 2021 (Friday) |
Candidates to apply for Admission against 1st Cut-Off | 10:00 am 04thOct (Monday) – 11:59pm 06thOct (Wednesday) |
Colleges to complete approvals for Admission against 1st Cut-Off | Till 5:00 pm 07th Oct (Thursday) |
Last day of payment by candidates against 1st Cut-Off | 5:00 pm 08th Oct (Friday) |
Declaration of 2ndCut-Off by Colleges | 09th October 2021 (Saturday) |
Candidates to apply for Admission against 2nd Cut-Off | 10:00 am 11thOct (Monday) – 11:59 pm 13th Oct (Wednesday) |
Colleges to complete approvals for Admission against 2ndCut-Off | Till 5:00 pm 14th Oct (Thursday) |
Last day of payment by candidates against 2ndCut-Off | 5:00 pm 15thOct (Friday) |
Declaration of 3rdCut-Off by Colleges | 16th October 2021 (Saturday) |
Candidates to apply for Admission against 3rd Cut-Off | 10:00 am 18thOct (Monday) – 11:59 pm 21st Oct (Thursday) |
Colleges to complete approvals for Admission against 3rdCut-Off | Till 5:00 pm 22nd Oct (Friday) |
Last day of payment by candidates against 3rdCut-Off | 5:00 pm 23rd Oct (Saturday) |
Declaration of Special Cutoff* by Colleges | 25th Oct (Monday) |
Candidates to apply for Admission against Special Cut-Off | 10:00 am 26th Oct (Tuesday) – 11:59 pm 27th Oct (Wednesday) |
Colleges to complete approvals for Admission against Special Cut-Off | 5:00 pm 28th Oct (Thursday) |
Last day of payment by candidates against Special Cut-Off | 5:00 pm 29th Oct (Friday) |
Declaration of 4th Cut-Off* by Colleges | 30th October (Saturday) |
Candidates to apply for Admission against 4thCut-Off | 10:00 am 1st Nov (Monday) – 11:59pm 2nd Nov (Tuesday) |
Colleges to complete approvals for Admission against 4thCut-Off | 5:00 pm 5th Nov (Friday) |
Last day of payment by candidates against 4thCut-Off | 5:00 pm 6th Nov (Saturday) |
Declaration of 5th Cutoffs* | 8th Nov (Monday) |
Candidates to apply for Admission against 5thCut-Off | 10:00 am 9th Nov (Tuesday) – 11:59 pm 10th Nov (Wednesday) |
Colleges to complete approvals for Admission against 5thCut-Off | 11:59 pm 11thNov (Thursday) |
Last date Payment of fee against 5th Cutoff | 5:00pm 12th Nov (Friday) |
Declaration of cutoffs against Special Drive* on Vacant Seats wherever available | 13th Nov (Saturday) |
Candidates to Apply Against Special Drive | 14th -15th Nov (Sunday-Monday) |
Last date for Payment of fee against Special Drive | 16th Nov (Tuesday) |
DU First cut off 2021 List
Last year, the first cut-off had gone as high as 100 percent. Lady Shri Ram College for Women offered admission to BA (H) Economics, BA (H) Political Science, and BA (H) Psychology programmes to students who got 100 percent as their best of four subjects score
DU 1st Cut-Off For Unreserved Category
Course Name | DU Cut-Off 2021 | DU Cut-Off 2020 |
B.A. (H) Economics | 98 | 98 |
B.A. (H) English | 96 | 95 |
B.A. (H) Hindi | 86 | 80 |
B.A. (H) History | 95 | 93 |
B.A. (H) Political Science | 96 | 95 |
B.A. (H) Psychology | 98.5 | 97 |
B.Com | 97 | 96 |
B.Com (H) | 98 | 97.5 |
B.Sc (H) Computer Science | 97 | 96.5 |
B.Sc (H) Mathematics | 97 | 96 |
B.A Prog. (Eco + History) | 96 | 95 |
B.A Prog. (Eco + Pol. Sc.) | 96 | 95 |
B.A Prog. (History + Pol. Sc.) | 94 | 93 |
Deshbandhu College First Cut off2021
Deshbandhu College has released its first cut-off list and the highest cut-off for the college is at 98% for BSc (H) Physics followed by BA (H) Economics and BCom at 97%.

Aryabhatta College 1st Cut-Off List 2021

Du.ac.in Cut-Off, Admission 2021: Documents Required
These are the documents required for DU admission 2021:
- Class 10 board examination certificate, mark sheet
- Class 12 mark sheet, provisional or original certificate
- Conduct certificate
- Category certificate, if applicable)
- OBC (Non-creamy layer) certificate, if applicable)
- Transfer certificate
- Migration certificate from
- Two passport size, self-attested photographs
DU College’s First Cut-off List 2021
DU College | Official Websites |
Acharya Narendra Dev College | http://andcollege.du.ac.in |
Aditi Mahavidyalaya | http://aditi.du.ac.in |
Ahilya Bai College of Nursing | http://www.abconduadmission.in/ http: |
Ayurvedic & Unani Tibia College | https://www.nhp.gov.in/hospital/ayurvedic-and-unani-tibbia-college-and-hospital-central-delhi |
Amar Jyoti Institute of Physiotherapy | http://www.ajipt.org |
Aryabhatta College (Formally Ram Lal Anand College-Evg.) | http://aryabhattacollege.ac.in |
Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College | http://arsdcollege.ac.in |
Bhagini Nivedita College | http://www.bhagininiveditacollege.in |
Bharati College | https://www.bharaticollege.du.ac.in |
Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences | http://www.bcas.du.ac.in |
Bhim Rao Ambedkar College | http://www.drbrambedkarcollege.ac.in |
Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya | http://www.cnbchospital.in |
College of Art | http://colart.delhigovt.nic.in/wps/wcm/connect/Lib_Collegeofart/collegeofarts/home |
College of Nursing at Army Hospital (R&R) | http://www.acn.co.in |
College of Vocational Studies | http://www.cvs.edu.in |
Daulat Ram College | http://www.dr.du.ac.in |
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College | http://dducollegedu.ac.in |
Delhi College of Arts & Commerce | http://dcac.du.ac.in |
Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research | http://www.dipsar.ac.in |
Deshbandhu College(Morning) | http://www.deshbandhucollege.ac.in |
Durga Bai Deshmukh College of Special Edu.(VI) | http://www.durgabaideshmukhcollege.org |
Dyal Singh College | http://www.dsc.du.ac.in |
Dyal Singh College (Evening) | http://www.dsce.du.ac.in |
Florence Nightingale College of Nursing | http://www.collegeofnursinggtbh.in |
Indraprastha College for Women | http://www.ipcollege.ac.in |
Institute of Home Economics | http://www.ihe-du.com |
Gargi College | http://gargi.du.ac.in |
Janki Devi Memorial College | http://jdm.du.ac.in |
Jesus & Mary College | http://www.jmc.ac.in |
Hans Raj College | http://www.hansrajcollege.ac.in |
Hindu College | http://www.hinducollege.ac.in |
Holy Family College of Nursing | http://www.hfcondelhi.edu.in |
Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Sciences | http://igipess.du.ac.in |
Kalindi College for Women | http://kalindi.du.ac.in |
Kamla Nehru College for Women | http://www.knc.edu.in |
Keshav Mahavidyalaya | http://keshav.du.ac.in |
Kirori Mal College | http://www.kmcollege.ac.in |
Lady Hardinge Medical College | http://fmsc.ac.in/lady.htm |
Lady Irwin College | https://ladyirwin.edu.in |
Lady Shri Ram College for Women | https://lsr.edu.in |
Lakshmi Bai College for Women | https://lakshmibaicollege.in |
Nehru Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital | http://nhmc.delhigovt.nic.in |
Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology | http://www.nsit.ac.in |
Maharaja Agarsen College | http://mac.du.ac.in |
Maharshi Valmiki College of Education | http://www.mvce.ac.in |
Maitreyi College for Women | http://maitreyi.ac.in |
Mata Sundri College for Women | http://www.ms.du.ac.in |
Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences | http://www.maids.ac.in |
Maulana Azad Medical College | http://www.mamc.ac.in |
Miranda House | http://www.mirandahouse.ac.in |
Moti Lal Nehru College | http://www.mlncdu.ac.in |
Moti Lal Nehru College (Evening) | http://www.mlnce.org |
P.G.D.A.V. College | http://pgdavcollege.edu.in |
P.G.D.A.V. College (Evening) | http://www.pgdaveve.in |
Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya Institute of Physically Handicapped | http://iphnewdelhi.in/Home.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f |
Rajdhani College | http://www.rajdhanicollege.ac.in |
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Nursing | http://rakcon.com |
Ram Lal Anand College | https://rlacollege.edu.in |
Ramanujan College | https://ramanujancollege.ac.in |
Ramjas College | http://ramjas.du.ac.in |
Satyawati College | http://satyawati.du.ac.in |
Satyawati College (Evening) | http://satyawatievedu.ac.in |
School of Open Learning ( Erstwhile School of Correspondence & Continuing Education) | https://sol.du.ac.in |
School of Rehabilitation Sciences | https://www.du.ac.in/ |
Shaheed Bhagat Singh College | http://www.sbsc.in |
Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (Evening) | http://www.sbsec.org |
Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women | http://www.rajgurucollege.com |
Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies | http://sscbs.du.ac.in |
Shivaji College | http://www.shivajicollege.ac.in |
Shri Ram College of Commerce | http://www.srcc.edu |
Shyam Lal College | http://www.slc.du.ac.in |
Shyam Lal College (Evening) | http://shyamlale.du.ac.in |
Shyama Prasad Mukherji College for Women | http://spm.du.ac.in/index.php?lang=en |
Sri Aurobindo College | http://www.aurobindo.du.ac.in |
Sri Aurobindo College (Evening) | https://www.aurobindoe.du.ac.in |
Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce | http://www.sggscc.ac.in |
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College | http://sgtbkhalsadu.ac.in |
Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College | http://sgtbkhalsadu.ac.in |
Sri Venkateswara College | http://www.svc.ac.in |
St. Stephen’s College | https://www.ststephens.edu |
Swami Shraddhanand College | http://ss.du.ac.in |
Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute | http://www.vpci.org.in |
Vivekananda College | http://vivekanandacollege.edu.in |
Zakir Husain Delhi College | http://www.zakirhusaindelhicollege.ac.in |
Zakir Husain Post Graduate Evening College | https://zhdce.ac.in/default.aspx |