Reasoning Concept King Book PDF

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Reasoning Concept King Book - Summary

“Reasoning Concept King” is an all-in-one PDF guide created to improve your reasoning skills, which are vital for excelling in competitive exams like bank exams, SSC, railway exams, and other government job assessments. This book is perfect for students who want to understand different types of reasoning questions thoroughly.

It offers clear concepts, effective strategies, and plenty of practice opportunities. The content is arranged into various sections, covering all major reasoning topics such as verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, logical reasoning, and analytical reasoning.

Key Features of the Reasoning Concept King Book

The “Reasoning Concept King” PDF is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for students of all ages to grasp the concepts. It includes:

– Step-by-step explanations of each type of reasoning.
– Worked-out examples to illustrate key concepts.
– Practice questions with answers for self-assessment.
– Tips and tricks to enhance problem-solving speed.

Maths Concept King Book (Gagan Pratap Maths book) – Content


  1. Line and Angle (रेखा और कोण )
  2. Types of Triangles (त्रिभुज के प्रकार )
  3. Area side Properties (त्रिभुज का क्षेत्रफल )
  4. Similarity of Triangles (त्रिभुज की समरूपता)
  5. Congruency of Triangle (त्रिभुज की सर्वांगसमता)
  6. Centre of Triangle (त्रिभुज के केंद्र)
  7. Circumcentre and Orthocentre (परिकेंद्र और लम्बकेंद्र )
  8. Centroid (केन्द्रक)
  9. Equilateral Triangle (समबाहु त्रिभुज)
  10. Right angle Triangle (समकोण त्रिभुज)
  11. Square and Rectangle (वर्ग और आयत )
  12. Parallelogram/Rhombus/Trapezium (समांतर चतुर्भुज / समचतुर्भुज/समलंब)
  13. Circle (वृत्त)
  14. Co-ordinate Geometry (निर्देशांक ज्यामिति)
  15. 2 Dimension Mensuration (2 आयामी क्षेत्रमिति)
  16. Polygon (बहुभुज)
  17. 3 Dimension Mensuration (3 आयामी क्षेत्रमिति)
  18. Number System (संख्या प्रणाली)
  19. Divisibility Rules (विभाज्यता के नियम)
  20. Remainder Theorem (शेषफल प्रमेय)
  21. Number of Factors (गुणनखंडों की संख्या)
  22. Sequences and Series (अनुक्रम और शृंखला )
  23. LCM & HCF (एलसीएम और एचसीएल)
  24. Calculation & Simplification (गणना और सरलीकरण )
  25. Surds & Indices (घातांक और करणी)
  26. Algebra (बीजगणित)
  27. Theory of Equations and Inequations (समीकरणों और असमानताओं का सिद्दांत )
  28. Trigonometry (त्रिकोणमिति )
  29. Maxima & Minima (अधिकतम और न्यूनतम )
  30. Height & Distance (लंबाई और दूरी )


  1. Percentage (प्रतिशत )
  2. Profit & Loss (लाभ और हानि)
  3. Discount (बट्टा/छूट)
  4. Simple interest (साधारण ब्याज)
  5. Compound Interest (चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज)
  6. Ratio & Proportion (अनुपात तथा समानुपात )
  7. Mixture & Alligation (मिश्रण तथा एलिगेशन)
  8. Partnership (साझेदारी)
  9. Average (औसत)
  10. Time & Work (समय और कार्य)
  11. Pipe & Cistern (नल व टंकी)
  12. Time, Speed & Distance (समय, दूरी और चाल)
  13. Boat & Stream (नाव व धारा)
  14. Race (दौड़)
  15. Permutation & Combinations (क्रमचय और संचय)
  16. Probability (संभावना)
  17. Statistics (सांख्यिकी)
  18. Clock (घड़ी)
  19. Calendar (कैलेंडर)

With the “Reasoning Concept King,” students can download the PDF and start practicing right away, making their preparation easier and more effective. To get the PDF, simply click the download link below!


Reasoning Concept King Book PDF Download