CBSE 10 Board Exam 2021 Cancelled - Summary
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has cancelled the 10 Board exam due to COVID-19 Pandemic situation which was held from 4th May to 7th June 2021. The results will be prepared on the basis of an objective criterion to be developed by the Board.
CBSE Class 10th Exam Cancelled
Any candidate who is not satisfied with the marks allocated to him/heron this basis will be given an opportunity to sit in an exam as and when the condition to hold the exam.
CBSE Class 12th Exam Cancelled
The board exams for Class 12th to be held from 4th May to 14th June 2021 are hereby postponed. These exams will be held hereafter.
You can download the CBSE 10 Board Exam 2021 Cancelled in PDF format using the link given below.