Bana Sahayak Recruitment Notification 2020 PDF

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Bana Sahayak Recruitment Notification 2020 - Summary

Government of West Bengal, vide Notification No. 828-For/FR/O/N/18R-02/2018 dated 22.07.2020, has created 2,000 posts in a new category called “Bana Sahayaks”, on a purely contractual basis. It is now proposed to engage personnel in this newly created category as follows :

  1. Conditions of Service
    1. Nature: The post is purely temporary and contractual. The incumbent will not have any claim to any service benefits provided to permanent employees of Government of West Bengal.
    2. Tenure: The engagement shall be for one year initially. The incumbent may be continued to be engaged on annual basis on recommendation of the Head of Office where engaged. c. Remuneration: Rs 10,000 (rupees ten thousand only) per month.
    3. Postings: While the candidates engaged can be asked to work anywhere in the State, the selected candidates are likely to be ordinarily posted in the same District as their place of residence, or in nearby districts within the same Administrative Division
  2. Eligibility
    1. Educational qualifications: Applicants should have passed at least the Class 8th exam from a recognized school.
    2. Age Limit: Applicants should be between 18 years and 40 years of age as on 1st January of the year of application. Thus for 2020 applications, the date of birth should be from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.2001. Relaxation of five (5) years will be allowed in the upper age limit for SC / ST Applicants.
    3. Resident Status: Permanent address of applicants should be within the State of West Bengal. Application is to be made only to the Engagement Board for the district of residence as specified.
    4. Sex: No Bar.
    5. Physical Condition: Due to the nature of the job in forest areas, persons with physical disabilities will be assessed by the respective Engagement Board as to their suitability to the nature of the job.
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