BPSC Mains Syllabus 2025 PDF

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BPSC Mains Syllabus 2025 - Summary

The BPSC Syllabus is set by the Bihar Public Service Commission. The commission is constitutionally mandated to assist the Bihar state government in matters of recruitment, transfer and disciplinary matters. The 68th BPSC Combined Competitive Mains Exam has been conducted, and BPSC has also released the syllabus, recruitment notification, vacancies, eligibility conditions, etc. with 68th BPSC Notification. The commission has announced the date of 30th September for 69th BPSC Prelims exam.

Candidates can find the updated syllabus for the 65th, 66th and 67th Combined Competitive exams. Also, aspirants can download the BPSC Syllabus PDF for Prelims and Mains 2023. The BPSC Exam (Combined Competitive Exam) is held in three stages:

  1. Prelims – 1 Objective-type paper for 150 marks
  2. Mains – 4 descriptive papers (1 qualifying + 3 merit ranking)
  3. Interview – 120 marks

BPSC Prelims Syllabus

Name of Exam Combined Competitive Exam (Pre)
Conducting Body Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC)
No of Papers 1 – General Studies (150 marks)
Duration 2 hours
BPSC Syllabus
  1. General Science
  2. Events of national and international importance
  3. History of Bihar and Indian History
  4. Geography
  5. Geography of Bihar
  6. Indian Polity and Economy
  7. Changes in the economy of Bihar post-independence
  8. Indian National Movement and the Role of Bihar
  9. General Mental Ability

BPSC Mains Syllabus

The BPSC Mains Exam Syllabus and Pattern is

Name of Exam Combined Competitive Exam (Mains)
Conducting Body Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC)
No of Papers (updated) 
  • General Hindi – Qualifying Paper (100 marks)
  • General Studies 1 (300 marks)
  • General Studies 2 (300 marks)
  • Optional Subject  (300 marks)
Duration 3 hours each
BPSC Syllabus General Hindi (Secondary Level)

  • Essay – 30 marks
  • Grammar – 30 marks
  • Syntax – 25 marks
  • Precis/Summary – 15 marks

BPSC Syllabus 2025 for Mains Exam

General Studies Papers

General Studies 1 General Studies 2
  1. Indian Culture
  2. Modern History of India
  3. Contemporary events of national and international importance
  4. Statistical Analysis, diagrams and graphs
  1. Indian and Bihar Polity
  2. Indian and Bihar Economy
  3. Indian and Bihar Geography
  4. Role and impact of Science and Technology in the development of India (and Bihar)

BPSC Optional Subjects

  1. English Language and Literature
  2. Urdu Language and Literature
  3. Hindi Language and Literature
  4. Persian Language and Literature
  5. Arabic Language and Literature
  6. Pali Language and Literature
  7. Maithili Language and Literature
  8. Bengali Language and Literature
  9. Sanskrit Language and Literature
  10. Chemistry
  11. Sociology
  12. Physics
  13. Agriculture
  14. Statistics
  15. Botany
  16. Zoology
  17. Philosophy
  18. Political Science and International Relations
  19. Psychology
  20. Public Administration
  21. Labour and Social Welfare
  22. Management
  23. Mathematics
  24. Mechanical Engineering
  25. Geography
  26. Geology
  27. History
  28. Law
  29. Civil Engineering
  30. Economics
  31. Commerce and Accountancy
  32. Electrical Engineering
  33. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
  34. Anthropology


BPSC Mains Syllabus 2025 PDF Download