Fruit Name Chart PDF

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Fruit Name Chart - Summary

The fruit Name Chart PDF will be helpful for the children to easily learn and one of the initial things a child comes across when starting to learn a new language is the names of various fruits and vegetables. Apart from the very common fruits that children see in everyday life, learning all possible fruit names will enrich their vocabulary and their knowledge of the rare fruits available across the world.

Learning about the different names of fruits will not only strengthen your vocabulary but also enhance your knowledge about various fruits that are there in the world.

Fruit Name Chart

Apple Banana Apricot Atemoya
Avocados Blueberry Blackcurrant Ackee
Cranberry Cantaloupe Cherry Black sapote/Chocolate pudding fruit
Dragonfruit Dates Cherimoya Buddha’s hand fruit
Finger lime Fig Coconut Cape gooseberry/Inca berry/Physalis
Grapefruit Gooseberries Custard apple/Sugar apple/Sweetsop Chempedak
Hazelnut Honeyberries Dragon fruit Durian
Horned melon Hog plum Egg fruit Feijoa/Pineapple guava/Guavasteen
Indian fig Ice apple Guava Fuyu Persimmon
Jackfruit Jujube Honeydew melon Jenipapo
Kiwi Kabosu Kiwano Kaffir lime/Makrut lime
Lime Lychee Longan Langsat
Mango Mulberry Pear Lucuma
Muskmelon Naranjilla Passion fruit Mangosteen
Nectarine Nance Quince Medlar fruit
Olive Oranges Ramphal Mouse melon
Papaya Peach Rose apple/Water apple Noni fruit
Pomegranate Pineapple Rambutan Snake fruit/Salak
Raspberries Strawberries Starfruit/Carambola Soursop
Tangerine Watermelon Sapota Star apple

Fruits Name list in English and Hindi

Fruit English Name Hindi Name
Apple Apple सेब
Banana Banana केला
Orange Orange नारंगी(संतरा)
Mango Mango आम
Grapes Grapes अंगूर
Pineapple Pineapple अनानास
Pomegranate Pomegranate अनार
Avocado Avocado (Butter Fruit) मक्खन फल
Coconut Coconut नारियल
Papaya Papaya पपीता
Watermelon Watermelon तरबूज
Dragon Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) ड्रैगन फल
Strawberry Strawberry स्ट्रॉबेरी
Blueberry Blueberry ब्लूबेरी
Blackberry Blackberry (Java Plum, Jambul) जामुन
Gooseberry Gooseberry आँवला
Cherry Cherry ग्लास मेवा (चेरी फल)
Apricot Apricot खुबानी (जर्दालू)
Jackfruit Jackfruit कथल
Kiwifruit Kiwifruit कीबी फल
Water Chestnut Water Chestnut सिंघाड़ा
Acai Berry Acai Berry काला जामुन
Prickly Pear Prickly Pear कांटेदार नाशपाती
Jujube Jujube बेर
Quince Quince श्रीफल (शफरफल)
Cashew Apple Cashew Apple काजू फल
Palm Palm Fruit ताड़ का फल
Passion Passion Fruit कृष्णा फल
Persimmon Persimmon तेंदू फल
Malay Apple Malay Apple (Rose Apple, Bell Fruit) हरा जामुन
Lemon Lemon नींबू
Peach Peach आडू (सतालू)
Pear Pear नाशपाती (बबूगोशा)
Tamarind Tamarind इमली
Custard Apple Custard Apple सीताफल (शरीफा)
Fig Fig अंजीर
Guava Guava अमरुद
Muskmelon Muskmelon (Cantaloupe) खरबूजा
Olive Olive Fruit जैतून का फल
Wood Apple Wood Apple बेल
Almond Almond बादाम
Barberry Barberry दारुहल्दी
Cashew Cashew काजू
Breadfruit Breadfruit विलायती फल
Date Date Fruit खजूर
Grapefruit Shaddock Fruit (Pomelo, Citron, Grapefruit) चकोतरा
Lychee Lychee (Longan) लीची
Sugar Cane Sugar Cane गन्ना
Red Banana Red Banana लाल केला
Kumquat Kumquat संतरे जैसा फल
Mulberry Mulberry शहतूत
Dates Dates खजूर
Macadamia Nut Macadamia Nut एक प्रकार का अखरोट
Walnut Walnut अखरोट
Plum Plum (Sloe) बेर (आलूभुखारा)
Pistachio Pistachio पिस्ता
Naseberry Naseberry (Sapota) चीकू
Raisins Raisins किशमिश
Sweet Lime Sweet Line मौसंबी
Starfruit Star Fruit करमख
Raspberry Raspberry रसभरी
Malta Malta Fruit माल्टा
Loquat Loquat लोकत
Mimusops Mimusops खिरनी
Monk Monk Fruit साधू फल
Elderberry Elderberry एल्डरबेरी
Cloudberry Cloudberry क्लाउडबेरी
Makoy Makoy Fruit रसभरी
Damson Damson झरबेर
Cranberry Cranberry क्रैनबेरी
Goji Berry Goji Berry गोजी बेर
Feijoa Feijoa फेजोवा
Huckleberry Huckleberry हकलबेरी
Honeyberry Honeyberry हनी बेर
Kiwano Kiwano किवानो
Jabuticaba Jabuticaba जबुतिकाबा
Miracle Miracle Fruit चमत्कारी फल
Mangosteen Mangosteen मेंगोस्टीन
Pineberry Pineberry पाइनबेरी
Nance Nance नेंस
Satsuma Satsuma सतसुमा
Salak Salak सलाक
Tamarillo Tamarillo टमारिल्लो
Surinam Cherry Surinam Cherry सूरीनाम चेरी
Sweet Potato Sweet Potato शकरकंद
Palmyra Palmyra Fruit ताड़ का फल
Jicama Jicama Fruit (Yam Bean, Pachyrhizus Erosus) जिका फल
Kadamba Kadamba Fruit कदम्ब फल
Pithecellobium Dulce Pithecellobium Dulce जंगली जलेबी
Grewia Asiatica Grewia Asiatica फालसा

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