Bengali Alphabet PDF

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Bengali Alphabet - Summary

An alphabet chart, also called an ABC chart, is a chart that includes all the letters of the alphabet. Some charts also include pictures that represent each letter sound and keywords for each letter.

An alphabet chart contains all 26 letters with corresponding pictures, and they are designed to help kids learn and recognize each letter properly. An ABC chart proves to be an effective tool in the early part of your kid’s learning, reading/reviewing letters and formation of words.

Bengali Alphabet –

Bengali Alphabet English Sound Pronunciation Example
k ক As ‘k’ in kite
kh খ Coupled sound of ‘k’, ‘h’= ‘kh’
g গ As ‘g’ in gun
gh ঘ Coupled sound of ‘g’, ‘h’= ‘gh’
ņ ঙ As ‘gn’ in gnome
ch চ As ‘ch’ in chair
chh ছ As ‘ch’ as in chair
j জ As ‘j’ in jug
jh ঝ This is produced using the naval sounds while the tongue touches the upper part of mouth cavity
n ঞ Just like ‘gn’ of gnome with a slight up movement of tongue
ţ ট As ‘t’ in top
ţh ঠ Hard sound of ‘t’
đ ড As ‘d’ in dark
đh ঢ Coupled sound of ‘d’ and ‘h’= ‘dh’
n ণ Nasal sound when the tongue touches a bit away from teeth
t ত Soft sound of ‘t’ as used in “Bharat”
th থ As ‘th’ in thermo
d দ As ‘th’ in the
dh ধ sound produced by coupling soft ‘d’ and ‘h’= ‘dh’
n ন As ‘n’ in man
p প As ‘p’ in push
ph ফ Sound of ‘f’ if pronounced with closed lips
b ব As ‘b’ in ban
bh ভ Coupled sound of ‘b’ and ‘h’= ‘bh’
m ম As ‘m’ in mass
j য As ‘y’ in yacht
r র As ‘r’ in run
l ল As ‘l’ in love
sh and s শ As ‘sh’ in shot
sh ষ Sound of ‘sh’ when the tongue touches the roots of the teeth
sh and s স As ‘s’ in sound
h হ As ‘h’ in has
য় e and –
ড় ŗ
ঢ় ŗh

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