CBSE Subject Marks Breakup and Practical Details 2023 - Summary
The Central Board of Secondary Education has released the notification regarding the practical, project, and internal assessments to conduct the practical and theory exams. In the notification issued schools have been directed on how to mark the students for the theory and practical exams and their mark distribution along with the appointment of external examiners and answer booklets.
The notification issued consists of class, subject code, subject name, maximum marks for theory and practical, maximum marks for project assessment, marks for internal assessment, the appointment status of the external examiner for practical and project assessment, availability of practical answer book by the board and the type of answer booklet to be used for theory exams.
CBSE Subject Marks Breakup and Practical Details 2023 for Class X & XII
According to the official announcement made, the CBSE 10th and 12th Practical Exams 2023 will begin on January 1, 2023, while the theory exams will be conducted from February 15, 2023. The complete subject-wise schedule for the CBSE 10th and 12th Exam 2023 is expected to be announced on the official website soon.
You can download the CBSE Subject Marks Breakup and Practical Details 2023 PDF using the link given below.