Army Ranks in India PDF

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Army Ranks in India - Summary

Army Ranks in India PDF can be broadly classified into three categories: Commissioned Officers, Junior Commissioned Officers, and Other Ranks. These ranks generally correspond with those of Western militaries, and in particular, reflect those of the British and Commonwealth armies. Traditional names for ranks are still used, as well as Western names.

At the time of joining, all Indian Army officers are inducted as officer cadets. The rank of officer cadet is denoted by an officer’s uniform with no insignia. Indian Army officers are continually put through different courses and assessed on merit throughout their career, for promotions and appointments. Substantive promotions up to Lieutenant Colonel or equivalent (subject to clearance of Part B and Part D exam for Major and Lieutenant Colonel) are based on time in service whereas those for Colonel and above are based on selection, with promotion to Colonel also based on time served.

Army Ranks in India

Ranks Description Collar Patch
Field Marshal National emblem over a crossed baton and sabre in a lotus blossom wreath. Crimson patches with five golden stars and golden laurel wreath
General National emblem over a five-pointed star, all over a crossed baton and sabre. Crimson patches with four golden stars and golden laurel wreath
Lieutenant General National emblem over crossed baton and sabre. Crimson patches with three golden stars and golden laurel wreath (army and theatre commanders)
Major General Five-pointed star over crossed baton and sabre. Crimson patches with two golden stars
Brigadier National emblem over three five-pointed stars in a triangular formation. Crimson patches with one golden star
Colonel National emblem over two five-pointed stars Crimson patches with golden braids
Lieutenant Colonel National emblem over five-pointed star. None
Major National emblem. None
Captain Three five-pointed stars. None
Lieutenant Two five-pointed stars. None
Officer Cadet Shoulder tags with training academy name Term and Company badges

Indian Army Rank Badges

Officers Rank

Army Officers Rank PDF
Army Officers Rank PDF

JCOs & Other Army Rank

JCOs and Other Army Rank PDF
JCOs and Other Army Rank PDF

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