A Bird on The Wing by Osho PDF

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A Bird on The Wing by Osho - Summary

A Bird on The Wing by Osho: Discover how Osho reveals that man must first be grounded in himself before he can truly soar into the vast sky of consciousness.

In this inspiring work, Osho guides readers through a wide range of topics, including food, jealousy, the ways of businessmen, and the path to enlightenment. He also shares insights on understanding if one needs a master, the self-imposed barriers we often create through fear, and the deep power of gratitude. This book is especially beneficial for those new to Zen teachings.

Insights from Osho

Osho encourages readers: “Be rooted in the earth so that you can stretch to the sky; be rooted in the visible so that you can reach into the invisible. Don’t create duality and don’t create any antagonism. If I am against anything, I am against antagonism.”

He further explains, “I am against being against anything; I am for the whole, the complete circle. The world and God have not divided anywhere. There is no boundary: the world goes on spreading into God and God goes on spreading into the world. Really, to use two words is not good but language creates problems.”

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Don’t miss the chance to explore this thought-provoking book. Download the A Bird on The Wing Osho PDF from the link provided below and embark on a journey to deepen your understanding of self and consciousness.


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